Sunday, April 22, 2018

What a Difference a Day Makes!

 What a difference a day makes!
Well in this case a whole lot of days.
42 month's worth to be exact.
It was just about 42 months ago when my son and I set out on a mission to get him a new car.
At the time, he was unemployed.
His car had blown up.
It would have taken thousands to get it up and running.
He had no money.
He had no credit .
He couldn't get any credit because he had no credit. 
His future would need much illumination to rise too bleak.
To say that he was not a happy camper would have been an understatement of epic proportions. 
The day before we set out on this quest to get him some wheels, I got a call from a friend of mine.
"Is Max still looking for work?'
 "Absolutely "was my reply.
He said he had a few, 10 hours , a week that he could offer him.
"He'll see you Monday" I replied.
Hey something is way better than nothing!
I was able to lease a car and somehow get Max's name on the lease. 
Monday morning, he got into his new car and went off to work,all 10 hours of it.
It was a start.
The 10 hour a week job soon began to grow. 15 hours became 20 hours and so on. 
By the end of his first year Mr. Part Time job was offered a full time position, title and all of the benefits that come with it.
If my memory serves me correctly, in the 42 months since he started working, I can barely remember him calling out sick.
Max donned the responsibility that came with the job and wears it as his uniform.
Yesterday, Max turned in that leased vehicle. 
Yesterday, Max got approved,on his own, with his stellar credit rating,for his new car.
What a difference a day makes!
Well actually 1207 days but who's counting!
The compound effect of improving ones's self one day at a time.

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