Monday, March 26, 2018

Seder minus 100 hours and counting!

As my day wound down yesterday I came to the very real understanding that I might not get every thing I had hoped to accomplish finished by the time I was ready to pack it in for the day.
My back was screaming at me and there was no way I could do all that I would have done in the past. Asking others to step up is one thing,however asking them to do it the way I have always done it is quite different. 
I was getting frustrated at the speed (or lack there of) at which things were happening. I was even more frustrated that the things which are so obvious to me and happen as if by second nature seemed to be challenging other people's senses.
Pain + Frustration = Potential for explosion!
I decided that discretion would be the better part of valor.
I made the decision to jump in and in spite of the pain, push myself enough to assist in getting the bulk of the work accomplished and then shut things down for the night. 
As soon as I had every box open and at least mentally developed a game plan as to where I wanted to put everything, I sent Max and Susan out the door to go get some dinner and I made my way to the bed where I could stretch out and not move for a few hours.
Today as I sit here and peruse the aftermath of that decision, I have a sense of calm about what still needs to be accomplished and the time frame inn which it must get done.
I'm fairly sure that I am not just whistling in the dark here and that I really will be able to pull things together.
After my end of the day bus run, I will head to the chiropractor .
After he adjusts me and I get a decent night's rest, I will be in much better shape to jump in and clean up what needs to be cleaned up and start preparing for Passover,which includes and is not limited to doing all of the shopping and cooking.
Right now, the house does look a little bit like London after the blitzkrieg.
Truthfully,it's the least of my concerns.
Well that's another story. 
With the way I feel at this moment, I can't imagine walking into the supermarket let alone doing a massive shopping.
Then there's the cooking.
Standing at the counter chopping vegetables, mixing, putting things in and pulling things out of the oven?
Hmmmmmmmmmmm.....not something I am excited about yet either.
So for now, I will just not think about any of those chores. For now, my priorities are to finish up my work day and get my butt to therapy!
Sounds like a workable plan to me!

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