Monday, March 5, 2018

As I was driving my morning run today, I had the radio tuned into WFDU, Fairliegh Dickinson University radio station.I stumbled across WFDU a little over a year ago and I have been listening ever since. They play retro music. Real retro from th 50's, 60's and 70's.
Since tuning in, it is not uncommon the hear the patrons on my bus singing or humming along with the music that is familiar to them.
As a public station, they are self funded. I have become a supporter of the station, matching the occasional tips I get from my own resources. 
It's not much.
 A few dollars a week. 
I am sure it helps and I feel good being able to donate.
Any how,, as I was saying, I was listening to the radio and it dawned on me that I did not include my Sunday Song of the Day in my post yesterday. 
In fact, it never even crossed my mind when I wrote to you.
I remembered a time , not that long ago, when I looked forward to sharing that with you. I would often store away some tune I had heard during the week as my weekly offering.
I enjoyed finding them.
Sometimes they pertained to what was going on for me. 
Sometimes they were just feel good songs.
Other times they related to the time of the year or a particular day.
No matter what, I was always enthusiastic when it came to sharing these with you. 
So where did that youthful exuberance around the Sunday Song of the Day go to?
As a matter of fact, where have those same joyous uplifting feelings gone from my life?
It's going on 5 years since I began this Journey of  100 Days.
There were ups and downs, Highs and lows, good days and not so good days.
Lately it feels like there have not been any out and out happy days.
You know the kind of days I mean.
The kind of days when you smile all day long. 
The kind of days when you seem to be humming along with every song on the radio. 
Or humming along with the song that's in your head.
The kind of days when your step is more like a skip.
Maybe it's the weight of Winter that has  me feeling this way?
Maybe it's the challenges of my back, the CDL stuff  or any of the many other daily grinds that I deal with?
Maybe the excitement of all the new and fresh experiences of my Journey have become a bit mundane .I'm not sure. 
I am glad that this has come up for me though.
It certainly is worth investigating.
Sometimes, just paying attention to things reminds me of just how fantastic this Journey has and continues to be!
I guess I owe you a song or two!

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