Monday, March 19, 2018

Every now and then some one asks me "so what's up with the book?".
Early on I would answer "it's a work in progress".
Lately however , my response has been less than energetic.In fact, most recently, I have found myself wondering if in fact the book will ever happen. 
Who needs this book any way?
Thinking back to the very start of this Journey, I never planned to write a book. I never planned any of this,. I was writing to a few friends for a few weeks in hopes of losing a few pounds.
(Obviously something changed along the way!)
To say I lost my focus on completing the book would be an understatement.
The excitement and enthusiasm I once had has like Elvis, left the building!
I have even gone as far as to say on more than one occasion "books are one reads or needs books anymore!".
At least that is what I was trying to convince myself to justify not working on that project.
On Saturday I took part in a webinar. It's part of a series I am participating in called and presented by "Legends of the Digital World".
Saturday's offering was with Matt Furey ,on how he became one of the internet's leading email copy writing Gurus.
I listened intently trying to glean as much information as I possibly could from some one of his status.
A lot of the advice he had was geared towards people who may be starting out with their writing. It is also geared towards using writing as a platform for selling a product or products.At times , I found myself hearing that what I do and how I write was miles further down the road than the other "novices" on the call although I am not selling anything so a lot of what he was saying did not seem to pertain to me.
About 2/3rds of the way through the webinar we were able to submit questions for Matt to deal with.
As this is a global webinar with lord only knows how many attendees, there were a ton of questions and he would only be able to cherry pick a few to answer.
Wanting to have some kind of take away from this event, I typed in the following:
"I have been writing, for lack of a better term a blog ,almost 5 years now......some people even say it's inspiring....I don't have a product to sell "yet" however I am interested in growing my" 
After answering a few questions I heard the sponsor of the series reading my question.
Without hesitation Mr. Furey blurted out"if you have been writing for 5 years you certainly do have a product to sell...WRITE A BOOK!....Take the best of the best and get it published!"
What a kick in the pants!
He went off on this (and me) reiterating that the axiom of publish or perish is sacrosanct.
Boy did I feel foolish!
My take away from this webinar?
Write the damn book!
With that said....stay tuned...I may need some help!

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