Friday, March 16, 2018

By the time I am on my way home at the end of each day, the radio station I listen to has signed off the air and I am forced to switch to another station.
For the last hour and a half or so that I have patrons on the bus, I find some light music , however once I drop off my last passenger I switch to sports talk radio. 
Invariably at around 5:30 they run the same commercial. 
It's an ad for a weight loss procedure. 
They interview Eric, who has had a balloon inserted  to help him lose weight.
Eric tells us how he had this procedure done a little over 2 months ago. 
Since then he has lost over 27 pounds (note ...that means not 28 or 29).
He is wearing a suit that he has not worn in over 4 years (note....time to update your clothes!)
When he runs into people who have not seen him in the recent past they are amazed and query "what have you done!"
He says he feels and looks fantastic!
It's amazing!
This has been life altering!
Everyone should jump on this and get it done!
It's fast pain less and the best news is no one knows that you even had the procedure!
Okay as for the painless , the disclaimer at the end of the commercial states that you may experience abdominal pain and diarrhea which should go away within 2 weeks, but hey, that's a minor inconvenience.
They go on to say that you must (now get this) be able to follow a prescribed diet and exercise plan. 
Yet I digress!
The point is I have something I have wanted to share with you and since today is another How Am I Doin' Friday I have chosen today as the day. 
Today is Day 40 of my current 40 day cycle. 
Unlike in the past, I didn't tell you or for that mater any one other than those right around me during meal time, that I was even doing a cycle. I chose to keep this to myself (sounds like the no one needs to know you had the procedure done line).
Now 40 days is just short of 6 weeks not 2 months.
I too have lost just over 27 pounds (trust me not 28 or 29).
No one and I mean no one has said to me "My what a difference". 
I have not heard one "you look great!".
While the clothes I was wearing 6 weeks ago fit me better now than they did in February, I certainly am not sporting a new wardrobe.
I can squeeze into a smaller size however for the most part, my dress will be the same for St. Patty's day as it was for the Super Bowl.
Oh and by the way,no one inflated a balloon inside of me along the way either.
Back to my point!
I chose to clean up my eating (along with my life).
It's a process not a procedure.
It's about life choices not surgical ones.
Tomorrow I start the transition phase. 
Tuesday I begin the reset phase.
 And on April 9th, 
I will begin the reduction cycle again. 
When all goes as planned, by mid May I should be down to a place where I can comfortably wear most of the clothes in my closet.
Hopefully that will include my size 32 skinny jeans (the blue ones). 
(For some unknown reason the black ones just never fit the same way.)

I don't necessarily feel all that much different although my attitude is a more positive one
My back is still a challenge.
My clothes are fitting me better.I am pleased with the weight loss and feel better ABOUT myself.
(Which is what I think Eric means when he says he feels better).
The Journey continues.
There are times when enthusiasm as well as resolve wane.
And then I choose to regroup and have at it again.
 Shabbat Shalom!

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