My response was "great question......why Do I change all my dishes and stuff!"
Trust me, every year I must ask myself that same question 100 times!
Luckily for me The Universe was paying attention and reminded me of exactly why I choose to prepare for Passover the way I do.
The very next email I received after reading the one Marge sent was a notice from Facebook that my Cousin Mark had posted a picture that I was tagged in.
Curious, I had to check it out.

Passover Circa 1957!
The cute kid with the white socks is yours truly!
I'm sitting on my Zaydie's (Grandfather)lap and Cousin Mark is on Bubbie's (Grandmother)lap .
The other 2 young men are my cousins Larry and Marty from right to left..
My Bubbie prepared for Passover this way.
So did my Mom.
And now so do I.
There are even dishes and pots that we use that have been handed down from that Seder pictured above.
Mu Grandparent's were immigrants.
I can only assume that the way they prepared was the same as how their parents and family prepared.
What we do and how we do it is interesting.
The Seder is over 3000 years old.
The Hagadah, the book that we use to retell the story of the exodus from Egypt, dates back to the destruction of the Second Temple,almost 2000 years ago.
There are traditions tied to these times as well as many that have been added along the way.
While I can explain why I or should I say we do what we do based on my knowledge of Jewish laws and practices,the simplest answer is it is because this is how we , my family, has always done it. It's our tradition.
And if you know anything about my people,it's all about our traditions.
(Maybe I should write a musical about this?)
I no longer get to celebrate Passover with any one in that picture. I hope that those of us still here on Earth, feel that tug at our souls when this holiday approaches.
It's rooted deep in our past.
3000 years is deep.
It's all about our traditions.
"Without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky as... as a fiddler on the roof!"
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