My brother called me the other morning .
It was more than just a check in type of call.
He said he had been thinking about me for days and wanted to share his thoughts .
It occurred to him that for basically my entire adult life, I never took a job.
You know what I mean.
The 9-5,commute to work, hate what your doing,sit behind a desk with your boss constantly on top of you and other co workers stepping on or using you job.
Through it all, Susan had the opportunity to choose when she wanted to work or not work.
Not that it was always easy.
Not that there were not more than our fair share of challenges , even struggles.
Still here we are !
We made it this far and there is no reason to think we can't and won't continue to keep moving forward.
It seemed impressive in its own way to him.
I had never quite thought about this
.Now that he mentioned it, I can see his point.
It is and has been a rare type of Journey from that aspect I suppose.
Not that there haven't been challenges along the way.
Not that there hasn't been a price paid for the choices I've made.
There is always a price.
Nothing in life is free.
What there isn't is regrets.
There have been very few occasions where I found myself staring back at the roads not traveled and feeling bad about my choices.
That's not to say that I have never taken a glance.back or caught myself in the occasional if only moment.We all do it.
We all have them.
That "imagine if only" thought.
If any one says they NEVER do that they are just not being honest.
They may be brief.
They may be few and far between.
They do happen to all of us.Dwelling on them is what kills the spirit.
I kind of treat those thoughts like old girlfriends.
Fond memories , a little smile and then a quick about face as I head forward once again.
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameyach
(Which ever Chag you may happen to celebrate!)
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