My brother called me the other morning .
It was more than just a check in type of call.
He said he had been thinking about me for days and wanted to share his thoughts .
It occurred to him that for basically my entire adult life, I never took a job.
You know what I mean.
The 9-5,commute to work, hate what your doing,sit behind a desk with your boss constantly on top of you and other co workers stepping on or using you job.
Through it all, Susan had the opportunity to choose when she wanted to work or not work.
Not that it was always easy.
Not that there were not more than our fair share of challenges , even struggles.
Still here we are !
We made it this far and there is no reason to think we can't and won't continue to keep moving forward.
It seemed impressive in its own way to him.
I had never quite thought about this
.Now that he mentioned it, I can see his point.
It is and has been a rare type of Journey from that aspect I suppose.
Not that there haven't been challenges along the way.
Not that there hasn't been a price paid for the choices I've made.
There is always a price.
Nothing in life is free.
What there isn't is regrets.
There have been very few occasions where I found myself staring back at the roads not traveled and feeling bad about my choices.
That's not to say that I have never taken a glance.back or caught myself in the occasional if only moment.We all do it.
We all have them.
That "imagine if only" thought.
If any one says they NEVER do that they are just not being honest.
They may be brief.
They may be few and far between.
They do happen to all of us.Dwelling on them is what kills the spirit.
I kind of treat those thoughts like old girlfriends.
Fond memories , a little smile and then a quick about face as I head forward once again.
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameyach
(Which ever Chag you may happen to celebrate!)
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Thursday, March 29, 2018
What's Different?
This morning as Susan and I went about our daily rituals that start each day, I mentioned that I was feeling out of sorts,off my game if you would.
I couldn't put my finger on any one specific thing that I could attribute this to.
I only knew that something was off kilter.
Something was different.
But what?
I have been preparing my home for Passover every year for as long as I can remember.
It has been well over 25 years since my Mom relinquished hosting the Seders and we moved them to my house.
By now, all of this should be second nature to me.
Yet here I am feeling as if I am shooting at a target with a blindfold on.
Odds of hitting the bulls-eye are not very good.
What is so different?
Well, for starters, the whole back issue does add a certain level of discomfort to the process (discomfort on many levels).
Things that I would and could just DO in the past are challenging if not unattainable.
There is that element however,there's something more to this feeling.
As I finished up my morning routine and started to head out the door, it dawned on me that there are pieces of the Passover puzzle that are missing for me and these are probably the biggest part of my malaise.
My friend Harriet has been gone for a few years now.
With less than 36 hours to go ,in years past, we would have checked in with each other at least a half a dozen times by now.
We would have compared notes on menus, shopping lists, recipes and the general state of affairs as to where we were in the process of preparation.
My friend Alan has traditionally been another touchstone for me as we both raced to get every thing done in anticipation of the start of the Seder.
He is not hosting a Seder this year so his pre-Passover experience is not the same.
I haven't heard from my friend Neil , Harriet's son, who always checks in to see how things are progressing.
And then there's the no Becky thing again.
In years gone by, as I made myself crazy getting ready for the holiday, there was Becky holding down the fort in the office so that nothing fell through the cracks from the business side of things.
The girls have moved out.
Max is busy at work.
Susan is at the shop.
Even I have my bus driving job.
David with a JOB.
Now that's certainly different.
No wonder things feel out of different.
They are different.The only thing that is the same and that will be the same is that by 7:47 tomorrow evening we will gather around the table and the Seder will begin.
I guess it's only different the first time around and then it becomes the new normal!
And then it becomes a tradition.
I couldn't put my finger on any one specific thing that I could attribute this to.
I only knew that something was off kilter.
Something was different.
But what?
I have been preparing my home for Passover every year for as long as I can remember.
It has been well over 25 years since my Mom relinquished hosting the Seders and we moved them to my house.
By now, all of this should be second nature to me.
Yet here I am feeling as if I am shooting at a target with a blindfold on.
Odds of hitting the bulls-eye are not very good.
What is so different?
Well, for starters, the whole back issue does add a certain level of discomfort to the process (discomfort on many levels).
Things that I would and could just DO in the past are challenging if not unattainable.
There is that element however,there's something more to this feeling.
As I finished up my morning routine and started to head out the door, it dawned on me that there are pieces of the Passover puzzle that are missing for me and these are probably the biggest part of my malaise.
My friend Harriet has been gone for a few years now.
With less than 36 hours to go ,in years past, we would have checked in with each other at least a half a dozen times by now.
We would have compared notes on menus, shopping lists, recipes and the general state of affairs as to where we were in the process of preparation.
My friend Alan has traditionally been another touchstone for me as we both raced to get every thing done in anticipation of the start of the Seder.
He is not hosting a Seder this year so his pre-Passover experience is not the same.
I haven't heard from my friend Neil , Harriet's son, who always checks in to see how things are progressing.
And then there's the no Becky thing again.
In years gone by, as I made myself crazy getting ready for the holiday, there was Becky holding down the fort in the office so that nothing fell through the cracks from the business side of things.
The girls have moved out.
Max is busy at work.
Susan is at the shop.
Even I have my bus driving job.
David with a JOB.
Now that's certainly different.
No wonder things feel out of different.
They are different.The only thing that is the same and that will be the same is that by 7:47 tomorrow evening we will gather around the table and the Seder will begin.
I guess it's only different the first time around and then it becomes the new normal!
And then it becomes a tradition.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Good Question!
Following up on my email the other day about Spring Cleaning, my friend Marge sent me a note and wanted to know why we change all the dishes and stuff.
My response was "great question......why Do I change all my dishes and stuff!"
Trust me, every year I must ask myself that same question 100 times!
Luckily for me The Universe was paying attention and reminded me of exactly why I choose to prepare for Passover the way I do.
The very next email I received after reading the one Marge sent was a notice from Facebook that my Cousin Mark had posted a picture that I was tagged in.
Curious, I had to check it out.
Passover Circa 1957!
The cute kid with the white socks is yours truly!
I'm sitting on my Zaydie's (Grandfather)lap and Cousin Mark is on Bubbie's (Grandmother)lap .
The other 2 young men are my cousins Larry and Marty from right to left..
My Bubbie prepared for Passover this way.
So did my Mom.
And now so do I.
There are even dishes and pots that we use that have been handed down from that Seder pictured above.
Mu Grandparent's were immigrants.
I can only assume that the way they prepared was the same as how their parents and family prepared.
What we do and how we do it is interesting.
The Seder is over 3000 years old.
The Hagadah, the book that we use to retell the story of the exodus from Egypt, dates back to the destruction of the Second Temple,almost 2000 years ago.
There are traditions tied to these times as well as many that have been added along the way.
While I can explain why I or should I say we do what we do based on my knowledge of Jewish laws and practices,the simplest answer is it is because this is how we , my family, has always done it. It's our tradition.
And if you know anything about my people,it's all about our traditions.
(Maybe I should write a musical about this?)
I no longer get to celebrate Passover with any one in that picture. I hope that those of us still here on Earth, feel that tug at our souls when this holiday approaches.
It's rooted deep in our past.
3000 years is deep.
It's all about our traditions.
"Without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky as... as a fiddler on the roof!"
My response was "great question......why Do I change all my dishes and stuff!"
Trust me, every year I must ask myself that same question 100 times!
Luckily for me The Universe was paying attention and reminded me of exactly why I choose to prepare for Passover the way I do.
The very next email I received after reading the one Marge sent was a notice from Facebook that my Cousin Mark had posted a picture that I was tagged in.
Curious, I had to check it out.

Passover Circa 1957!
The cute kid with the white socks is yours truly!
I'm sitting on my Zaydie's (Grandfather)lap and Cousin Mark is on Bubbie's (Grandmother)lap .
The other 2 young men are my cousins Larry and Marty from right to left..
My Bubbie prepared for Passover this way.
So did my Mom.
And now so do I.
There are even dishes and pots that we use that have been handed down from that Seder pictured above.
Mu Grandparent's were immigrants.
I can only assume that the way they prepared was the same as how their parents and family prepared.
What we do and how we do it is interesting.
The Seder is over 3000 years old.
The Hagadah, the book that we use to retell the story of the exodus from Egypt, dates back to the destruction of the Second Temple,almost 2000 years ago.
There are traditions tied to these times as well as many that have been added along the way.
While I can explain why I or should I say we do what we do based on my knowledge of Jewish laws and practices,the simplest answer is it is because this is how we , my family, has always done it. It's our tradition.
And if you know anything about my people,it's all about our traditions.
(Maybe I should write a musical about this?)
I no longer get to celebrate Passover with any one in that picture. I hope that those of us still here on Earth, feel that tug at our souls when this holiday approaches.
It's rooted deep in our past.
3000 years is deep.
It's all about our traditions.
"Without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky as... as a fiddler on the roof!"
Monday, March 26, 2018
Seder minus 100 hours and counting!
As my day wound down yesterday I came to the very real understanding that I might not get every thing I had hoped to accomplish finished by the time I was ready to pack it in for the day.
My back was screaming at me and there was no way I could do all that I would have done in the past. Asking others to step up is one thing,however asking them to do it the way I have always done it is quite different.
I was getting frustrated at the speed (or lack there of) at which things were happening. I was even more frustrated that the things which are so obvious to me and happen as if by second nature seemed to be challenging other people's senses.
Pain + Frustration = Potential for explosion!
I decided that discretion would be the better part of valor.
I made the decision to jump in and in spite of the pain, push myself enough to assist in getting the bulk of the work accomplished and then shut things down for the night.
As soon as I had every box open and at least mentally developed a game plan as to where I wanted to put everything, I sent Max and Susan out the door to go get some dinner and I made my way to the bed where I could stretch out and not move for a few hours.
Today as I sit here and peruse the aftermath of that decision, I have a sense of calm about what still needs to be accomplished and the time frame inn which it must get done.
I'm fairly sure that I am not just whistling in the dark here and that I really will be able to pull things together.
After my end of the day bus run, I will head to the chiropractor .
After he adjusts me and I get a decent night's rest, I will be in much better shape to jump in and clean up what needs to be cleaned up and start preparing for Passover,which includes and is not limited to doing all of the shopping and cooking.
Right now, the house does look a little bit like London after the blitzkrieg.
Truthfully,it's the least of my concerns.
Well that's another story.
With the way I feel at this moment, I can't imagine walking into the supermarket let alone doing a massive shopping.
Then there's the cooking.
Standing at the counter chopping vegetables, mixing, putting things in and pulling things out of the oven?
Hmmmmmmmmmmm.....not something I am excited about yet either.
So for now, I will just not think about any of those chores. For now, my priorities are to finish up my work day and get my butt to therapy!
Sounds like a workable plan to me!
My back was screaming at me and there was no way I could do all that I would have done in the past. Asking others to step up is one thing,however asking them to do it the way I have always done it is quite different.
I was getting frustrated at the speed (or lack there of) at which things were happening. I was even more frustrated that the things which are so obvious to me and happen as if by second nature seemed to be challenging other people's senses.
Pain + Frustration = Potential for explosion!
I decided that discretion would be the better part of valor.
I made the decision to jump in and in spite of the pain, push myself enough to assist in getting the bulk of the work accomplished and then shut things down for the night.
As soon as I had every box open and at least mentally developed a game plan as to where I wanted to put everything, I sent Max and Susan out the door to go get some dinner and I made my way to the bed where I could stretch out and not move for a few hours.
Today as I sit here and peruse the aftermath of that decision, I have a sense of calm about what still needs to be accomplished and the time frame inn which it must get done.
I'm fairly sure that I am not just whistling in the dark here and that I really will be able to pull things together.
After my end of the day bus run, I will head to the chiropractor .
After he adjusts me and I get a decent night's rest, I will be in much better shape to jump in and clean up what needs to be cleaned up and start preparing for Passover,which includes and is not limited to doing all of the shopping and cooking.
Right now, the house does look a little bit like London after the blitzkrieg.
Truthfully,it's the least of my concerns.
Well that's another story.
With the way I feel at this moment, I can't imagine walking into the supermarket let alone doing a massive shopping.
Then there's the cooking.
Standing at the counter chopping vegetables, mixing, putting things in and pulling things out of the oven?
Hmmmmmmmmmmm.....not something I am excited about yet either.
So for now, I will just not think about any of those chores. For now, my priorities are to finish up my work day and get my butt to therapy!
Sounds like a workable plan to me!
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Today is the day I set aside for flipping our home around before Passover.
The super markets have had their Passover foods out for well over a month at this point.
The newspapers have all had their obligatory articles heralding the upcoming yom tov.
Of course they are normally filled with recipes that they feel people with in the community must have.
" 1001 things you can do with matzoh!I try not to read them or watch the videos that people post on Facebook of how to make kosher for Passover versions of every conceivable dish known to mankind.
Kosher for Passover lobster Cantonese.
How to make Kosher for Passover turkey that tastes just like your Easter ham!
It's a bit ridiculous.
It's 8 days!
Quite honestly, in our house, other than the change over of dishes and kitchen ware, one would be hard pressed to notice much of a difference in the foods we will eat during this festival.
The house itself does take on a different feel for those 8 days.
In the "good old days" I would turn the house upside down cleaning for days on end.
As I get older, I get wiser.
The cleaning people just left.
The house is spotless which takes a huge load off of us.
The oven is clean.
The fridge and the freezer are empty.
While I am out on my afternoon bus run Max will pull out all of the Passover dishes, pots and pans, utensils and other paraphernalia.
There will be no real cooking for the next few days.
Dinners will be an eclectic mix of take out,heat up or easy to throw together meals.
Tonight's bill of fare?
Well Chinese of course!
While I am driving , Susan will clean the inside of the fridge, a chore I normally take care of .However,given my back situation, well, let's just say I'm not quite up to the task this year.
By the time we go to bed tonight, the transition will be complete.
For all intents and purposes, our home will be ready for Passover.
With our new work schedules,and a few needed trips to the chiropractor this week, time will be a very valuable commodity.
Advance planning will play a huge roll in alleviating a lot of the stress.
I am confident that with a good game plan, we have at least a 50/50 chance of things going smoothly. Trust me, 50/50 is a heck of a lot better than the odds normally are for an easy change over.
Older is wiser also leads me to understand that I can't do everything.
I must drive the bus.
I must get to the chiropractor.
I must shop, cook and prepare for the holiday.
It would seem that my new normal of making a list of the 3 most important things I need to accomplish on any given day is pretty much filled out already.
Everything else will just have to wait.
And I'm sure that they will!
Shavua Tov!
The super markets have had their Passover foods out for well over a month at this point.
The newspapers have all had their obligatory articles heralding the upcoming yom tov.
Of course they are normally filled with recipes that they feel people with in the community must have.
" 1001 things you can do with matzoh!I try not to read them or watch the videos that people post on Facebook of how to make kosher for Passover versions of every conceivable dish known to mankind.
Kosher for Passover lobster Cantonese.
How to make Kosher for Passover turkey that tastes just like your Easter ham!
It's a bit ridiculous.
It's 8 days!
Quite honestly, in our house, other than the change over of dishes and kitchen ware, one would be hard pressed to notice much of a difference in the foods we will eat during this festival.
The house itself does take on a different feel for those 8 days.
In the "good old days" I would turn the house upside down cleaning for days on end.
As I get older, I get wiser.
The cleaning people just left.
The house is spotless which takes a huge load off of us.
The oven is clean.
The fridge and the freezer are empty.
While I am out on my afternoon bus run Max will pull out all of the Passover dishes, pots and pans, utensils and other paraphernalia.
There will be no real cooking for the next few days.
Dinners will be an eclectic mix of take out,heat up or easy to throw together meals.
Tonight's bill of fare?
Well Chinese of course!
While I am driving , Susan will clean the inside of the fridge, a chore I normally take care of .However,given my back situation, well, let's just say I'm not quite up to the task this year.
By the time we go to bed tonight, the transition will be complete.
For all intents and purposes, our home will be ready for Passover.
With our new work schedules,and a few needed trips to the chiropractor this week, time will be a very valuable commodity.
Advance planning will play a huge roll in alleviating a lot of the stress.
I am confident that with a good game plan, we have at least a 50/50 chance of things going smoothly. Trust me, 50/50 is a heck of a lot better than the odds normally are for an easy change over.
Older is wiser also leads me to understand that I can't do everything.
I must drive the bus.
I must get to the chiropractor.
I must shop, cook and prepare for the holiday.
It would seem that my new normal of making a list of the 3 most important things I need to accomplish on any given day is pretty much filled out already.
Everything else will just have to wait.
And I'm sure that they will!
Shavua Tov!
Saturday, March 24, 2018
What to do today?
As I sit here readying myself to write to you,I am also planning how I will use this day.
I have a number of options.
I've already driven Susan to work, picked up and delivered her breakfast, and gotten my haircut .
When I came home I immediately put the oven on the self clean cycle,so I will be home bound for at least the next 3 hours.
So the question is how will I use that time?
I have some Halloween work that needs tending to.
It's probably more than an hours work but definitely less than 3 hours.
I also have some people I want to reach out to just to reconnect. It's been a while since I have heard from or communicated with them on a one to one level and I kind of want to check in.
There are some Live 2 XL items that I want to address as well .
There are people who can be of assistance to me,COLLABORATORS, who can help me with things like editing,my website and social media, all areas which need attention and exploration.
There is also the option of freeing up this time to begin an online course which I signed up for a few weeks ago on Mindfulness.
It has been sitting in my in-box for a while now and I just have not made the time or taken the time to listen to any of it.
When I signed up for and paid for this course it seemed like a good idea. However, registering for and paying for it is only 1 step in the right direction. One step is not a commitment.
There is that quote..." a Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".
However, without taking the second step and then the next and then the next you will never reach that thousand mile mark.
Right now it seems fairly obvious to me what my next step will be.
2 more hours until the oven is clean.
Time to pour another cup of coffee, clear my desk, put on my headphones and have at it.
Shabbat Shalom!
I have a number of options.
I've already driven Susan to work, picked up and delivered her breakfast, and gotten my haircut .
When I came home I immediately put the oven on the self clean cycle,so I will be home bound for at least the next 3 hours.
So the question is how will I use that time?
I have some Halloween work that needs tending to.
It's probably more than an hours work but definitely less than 3 hours.
I also have some people I want to reach out to just to reconnect. It's been a while since I have heard from or communicated with them on a one to one level and I kind of want to check in.
There are some Live 2 XL items that I want to address as well .
There are people who can be of assistance to me,COLLABORATORS, who can help me with things like editing,my website and social media, all areas which need attention and exploration.
There is also the option of freeing up this time to begin an online course which I signed up for a few weeks ago on Mindfulness.
It has been sitting in my in-box for a while now and I just have not made the time or taken the time to listen to any of it.
When I signed up for and paid for this course it seemed like a good idea. However, registering for and paying for it is only 1 step in the right direction. One step is not a commitment.
There is that quote..." a Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".
However, without taking the second step and then the next and then the next you will never reach that thousand mile mark.
Right now it seems fairly obvious to me what my next step will be.
2 more hours until the oven is clean.
Time to pour another cup of coffee, clear my desk, put on my headphones and have at it.
Shabbat Shalom!
Friday, March 23, 2018
What happened to my ME day?
Fridays are supposed to be my new "ME" days .
Without the responsibility of driving the bus,it is the one day of the traditional work week when I can dedicate my resources to catching up on other business related matters completely uninterrupted.
Notice I used the words supposed to be....
This particular How Am I Doin' Friday began with pain.
Lots and lots of back pain.
My back pain, which has been improving slowly bit by bit, was about as uncomfortable as it has been in weeks.
Right off the bat, I knew that this day would be a challenge.
My phone rang at about 6:45 in the morning.
The exterminator who was scheduled to come between 9 and 11 was on his way and would be here shortly.
Moving as quickly as I could, I showered, dressed and made my way to my desk.
At about 7:45 the barking began ,signalling the arrival of said exterminator.
He spent about 15-20 minutes treating the ant problem for the 3rd time this month, which was about half as long as the dogs continued their incessant infernal carrying on.
2 barking dogs + extraordinary back discomfort = headache!
Did I mention that this was supposed to be my "ME" day?
And did I neglect to also mention that I had to accompany Francisco, our other bus driver to motor vehicle as his licensed driver.
Don't's a long and mostly unimportant story.. The long and short of this meant I had to leave the house by 11:30 and did not get back until almost 4.
Today is Friday.
Friday night?
Shabbat dinner!
So at 4 I started slicing and dicing, cutting and prepping all that was to be needed for tonight's meal.
What's the old expression about the best laid plans?
I did manage to spend about an hour at the end of my ME day to at least clear the decks with the hopes of a fresh start in the morning.
With the upcoming short work week
(Passover begins Friday night with the first Seder)
I am hoping that tomorrow will be a super productive day .
It would go a long way towards lifting my spirits before the Yom Tov!
Shabbat Shalom!
Without the responsibility of driving the bus,it is the one day of the traditional work week when I can dedicate my resources to catching up on other business related matters completely uninterrupted.
Notice I used the words supposed to be....
This particular How Am I Doin' Friday began with pain.
Lots and lots of back pain.
My back pain, which has been improving slowly bit by bit, was about as uncomfortable as it has been in weeks.
Right off the bat, I knew that this day would be a challenge.
My phone rang at about 6:45 in the morning.
The exterminator who was scheduled to come between 9 and 11 was on his way and would be here shortly.
Moving as quickly as I could, I showered, dressed and made my way to my desk.
At about 7:45 the barking began ,signalling the arrival of said exterminator.
He spent about 15-20 minutes treating the ant problem for the 3rd time this month, which was about half as long as the dogs continued their incessant infernal carrying on.
2 barking dogs + extraordinary back discomfort = headache!
Did I mention that this was supposed to be my "ME" day?
And did I neglect to also mention that I had to accompany Francisco, our other bus driver to motor vehicle as his licensed driver.
Don't's a long and mostly unimportant story.. The long and short of this meant I had to leave the house by 11:30 and did not get back until almost 4.
Today is Friday.
Friday night?
Shabbat dinner!
So at 4 I started slicing and dicing, cutting and prepping all that was to be needed for tonight's meal.
What's the old expression about the best laid plans?
I did manage to spend about an hour at the end of my ME day to at least clear the decks with the hopes of a fresh start in the morning.
With the upcoming short work week
(Passover begins Friday night with the first Seder)
I am hoping that tomorrow will be a super productive day .
It would go a long way towards lifting my spirits before the Yom Tov!
Shabbat Shalom!
Thursday, March 22, 2018
March Word of the Month
Now that March is heading out the door,it's high time I choose a word of the month.
My March word of the month is :
As I pick up the book project once again, I realize that a big part of what has been holding me back is that I would prefer to be working with others rather than working alone.
I know that having others to bounce things off of is an important part of my process. When I get bogged down doing things that I don't enjoy or doing things that I am not proficient at, I tend to not do them.
It's a bit childish I know.
However when I COLLABORATE with others who may enjoy or be good at doing the things that hold me back , I can use my energies on those things which I excel at.
My mentors have all said that none of us are great at everything. In fact they often say that we only need to be great at about 5% of what crosses our plate. The rest of the stuff?
Find some one who is great at that and partner up or work with them.
In yesterday's writing I put it out to you and The Universe that I need help with this project.
I received a variety of responses such as "I'm in!" or "Contact so and so" end even "let me know how I can help". The one response that kind of hit me between the eyes was
"what exactly do you need help with?"
Great question!
I am so grateful fr the responses and offers.
I am excited to realize that when I ask for something I can find it.
Now I have to learn how to ask for exactly what I need.
Like :
I would like some help picking out the best of the best.
I would like some help building a website.
I would like some help with social media.
Ask and you shall receive.
What a concept!
My March word of the month is :
"to work jointly on an activity, especially to produce or create something."
As I pick up the book project once again, I realize that a big part of what has been holding me back is that I would prefer to be working with others rather than working alone.
I know that having others to bounce things off of is an important part of my process. When I get bogged down doing things that I don't enjoy or doing things that I am not proficient at, I tend to not do them.
It's a bit childish I know.
However when I COLLABORATE with others who may enjoy or be good at doing the things that hold me back , I can use my energies on those things which I excel at.
My mentors have all said that none of us are great at everything. In fact they often say that we only need to be great at about 5% of what crosses our plate. The rest of the stuff?
Find some one who is great at that and partner up or work with them.
In yesterday's writing I put it out to you and The Universe that I need help with this project.
I received a variety of responses such as "I'm in!" or "Contact so and so" end even "let me know how I can help". The one response that kind of hit me between the eyes was
"what exactly do you need help with?"
Great question!
I am so grateful fr the responses and offers.
I am excited to realize that when I ask for something I can find it.
Now I have to learn how to ask for exactly what I need.
Like :
I would like some help picking out the best of the best.
I would like some help building a website.
I would like some help with social media.
Ask and you shall receive.
What a concept!
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
The Roads Not Taken!
While on the phone with my friend Tom the other day we hit upon the topic of career choices.
Or should I say career non choices.
Tom commented "ahhhh.....the road not taken", to which I shot back "don't even go there!".
Of all the places I could possibly visit, the roads not taken are probably the worst.
The what if's and could you imagines of the past are for me the quickest way to suck energy out of my life.
I can't think of anything more debilitating.
Ironically, when I apply those same 2 questions to the future they become invigorating.
What if's become possibilities.
Could you imagine becomes lets have at it.
Why's become why not's.
I decided to test this theory using my current situation.
What if I don't write this book?
I'll be disappointed in myself.
I guess that means I will write the book.
That's an easy choice to make.
So how do I do this?
What's stopping me?
What do I need to get this moving forward again.
Being completely honest, I need some help.
I need help sifting through the volumes of entries I have posted.
What if I asked for help?
Great question!
What IF I asked for help?
Maybe no one would offer?
Maybe some one would!
Hey every one, (including The Universe).
I need some help culling through this stuff.
Okay.................lets see what happens!
Or should I say career non choices.
Tom commented "ahhhh.....the road not taken", to which I shot back "don't even go there!".
Of all the places I could possibly visit, the roads not taken are probably the worst.
The what if's and could you imagines of the past are for me the quickest way to suck energy out of my life.
I can't think of anything more debilitating.
Ironically, when I apply those same 2 questions to the future they become invigorating.
What if's become possibilities.
Could you imagine becomes lets have at it.
Why's become why not's.
I decided to test this theory using my current situation.
What if I don't write this book?
I'll be disappointed in myself.
I guess that means I will write the book.
That's an easy choice to make.
So how do I do this?
What's stopping me?
What do I need to get this moving forward again.
Being completely honest, I need some help.
I need help sifting through the volumes of entries I have posted.
What if I asked for help?
Great question!
What IF I asked for help?
Maybe no one would offer?
Maybe some one would!
Hey every one, (including The Universe).
I need some help culling through this stuff.
Okay.................lets see what happens!
Monday, March 19, 2018
Every now and then some one asks me "so what's up with the book?".
Early on I would answer "it's a work in progress".
Lately however , my response has been less than energetic.In fact, most recently, I have found myself wondering if in fact the book will ever happen.
Who needs this book any way?
Thinking back to the very start of this Journey, I never planned to write a book. I never planned any of this,. I was writing to a few friends for a few weeks in hopes of losing a few pounds.
(Obviously something changed along the way!)
To say I lost my focus on completing the book would be an understatement.
The excitement and enthusiasm I once had has like Elvis, left the building!
I have even gone as far as to say on more than one occasion "books are one reads or needs books anymore!".
At least that is what I was trying to convince myself to justify not working on that project.
On Saturday I took part in a webinar. It's part of a series I am participating in called and presented by "Legends of the Digital World".
Saturday's offering was with Matt Furey ,on how he became one of the internet's leading email copy writing Gurus.
I listened intently trying to glean as much information as I possibly could from some one of his status.
A lot of the advice he had was geared towards people who may be starting out with their writing. It is also geared towards using writing as a platform for selling a product or products.At times , I found myself hearing that what I do and how I write was miles further down the road than the other "novices" on the call although I am not selling anything so a lot of what he was saying did not seem to pertain to me.
About 2/3rds of the way through the webinar we were able to submit questions for Matt to deal with.
As this is a global webinar with lord only knows how many attendees, there were a ton of questions and he would only be able to cherry pick a few to answer.
Wanting to have some kind of take away from this event, I typed in the following:
"I have been writing, for lack of a better term a blog ,almost 5 years now......some people even say it's inspiring....I don't have a product to sell "yet" however I am interested in growing my"
After answering a few questions I heard the sponsor of the series reading my question.
Without hesitation Mr. Furey blurted out"if you have been writing for 5 years you certainly do have a product to sell...WRITE A BOOK!....Take the best of the best and get it published!"
What a kick in the pants!
He went off on this (and me) reiterating that the axiom of publish or perish is sacrosanct.
Boy did I feel foolish!
My take away from this webinar?
Write the damn book!
With that said....stay tuned...I may need some help!
Early on I would answer "it's a work in progress".
Lately however , my response has been less than energetic.In fact, most recently, I have found myself wondering if in fact the book will ever happen.
Who needs this book any way?
Thinking back to the very start of this Journey, I never planned to write a book. I never planned any of this,. I was writing to a few friends for a few weeks in hopes of losing a few pounds.
(Obviously something changed along the way!)
To say I lost my focus on completing the book would be an understatement.
The excitement and enthusiasm I once had has like Elvis, left the building!
I have even gone as far as to say on more than one occasion "books are one reads or needs books anymore!".
At least that is what I was trying to convince myself to justify not working on that project.
On Saturday I took part in a webinar. It's part of a series I am participating in called and presented by "Legends of the Digital World".
Saturday's offering was with Matt Furey ,on how he became one of the internet's leading email copy writing Gurus.
I listened intently trying to glean as much information as I possibly could from some one of his status.
A lot of the advice he had was geared towards people who may be starting out with their writing. It is also geared towards using writing as a platform for selling a product or products.At times , I found myself hearing that what I do and how I write was miles further down the road than the other "novices" on the call although I am not selling anything so a lot of what he was saying did not seem to pertain to me.
About 2/3rds of the way through the webinar we were able to submit questions for Matt to deal with.
As this is a global webinar with lord only knows how many attendees, there were a ton of questions and he would only be able to cherry pick a few to answer.
Wanting to have some kind of take away from this event, I typed in the following:
"I have been writing, for lack of a better term a blog ,almost 5 years now......some people even say it's inspiring....I don't have a product to sell "yet" however I am interested in growing my"
After answering a few questions I heard the sponsor of the series reading my question.
Without hesitation Mr. Furey blurted out"if you have been writing for 5 years you certainly do have a product to sell...WRITE A BOOK!....Take the best of the best and get it published!"
What a kick in the pants!
He went off on this (and me) reiterating that the axiom of publish or perish is sacrosanct.
Boy did I feel foolish!
My take away from this webinar?
Write the damn book!
With that said....stay tuned...I may need some help!
Sunday, March 18, 2018
The Pursuit of Happiness
While it may be true that money can't buy happiness,what it can do is clear the way for someone to go find happiness.
Money or the lack there of, often becomes an obstacle or an impediment in our lives.
Expenses pop up.
Bills pile up.
The need to address these turns our heads away from the pursuit of happiness.
We spend out time in pursuit of finding dollars instead .
BTW....remember it's life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness that is our god given right.
(Happiness is a Journey as well as a choice!)
Please don't misunderstand what I am getting at.
Money is not happiness.
I know of way too many instances where money truly has become the root of all evil.
However, like any tool,when we have it and learn how to use it properly,it does make that pursuit easier.
In the words of Led Zeppelin:
Yes, there are two paths you can go by
If the path you choose is in pursuit of money,well.....
There's still time to change the road you're on
For the time being and for the immediate future, I have found enough of that first commodity to afford me the opportunity to cautiously began down the path in pursuit of the latter.
There is enough income to pay the bills.
Not having to mine for gold allows for more time to pursue happiness.
Which has led me to begin to try to find the answer to the question I found myself asking yesterday.
What the Hell am I doing with my life?.
Pursuing Happiness once again!
And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.....
Shavua Tov!
Money or the lack there of, often becomes an obstacle or an impediment in our lives.
Expenses pop up.
Bills pile up.
The need to address these turns our heads away from the pursuit of happiness.
We spend out time in pursuit of finding dollars instead .
BTW....remember it's life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness that is our god given right.
(Happiness is a Journey as well as a choice!)
Please don't misunderstand what I am getting at.
Money is not happiness.
I know of way too many instances where money truly has become the root of all evil.
However, like any tool,when we have it and learn how to use it properly,it does make that pursuit easier.
In the words of Led Zeppelin:
Yes, there are two paths you can go by
If the path you choose is in pursuit of money,well.....
There's still time to change the road you're on
For the time being and for the immediate future, I have found enough of that first commodity to afford me the opportunity to cautiously began down the path in pursuit of the latter.
There is enough income to pay the bills.
Not having to mine for gold allows for more time to pursue happiness.
Which has led me to begin to try to find the answer to the question I found myself asking yesterday.
What the Hell am I doing with my life?.
Pursuing Happiness once again!
And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.....
Shavua Tov!
Saturday, March 17, 2018
What the hell am I doing?
This is the question I find that I am asking myself lately.
What the hell am I doing with my life?
Once asked,I believe the question should be answered.
So what am I doing with my life?
As I look back, let's just say over the last year, what have I been doing and what have I accomplished?
At the start of 2017 one of my goals was to be 1% better today than I was yesterday.
I knew if I could accomplish that the compound effects would be huge.
That 1% could be in any area of my life.
My health, my finances, my relationships, my happiness.
Or it could be a little bit in each area,as long as I was constantly adding that 1%.
It's hard to gauge exactly what 1% looks like when it comes to being better at life.
If were to lose 1% of my weight that would be awesome.
That didn't actually happen every day.
I don't know if I smiled 1% more today than yesterday.
Maybe I did.
If I look at the big picture though, the overall snapshot, did I accomplish what I set out to do,
make myself better every day?
From the financial side of things that would be a resounding yes.
The sleepless nights desperately wondering how last months's bills would get paid have shifted,a lot!
After too many years to enumerate, that part of my life is so significantly different I can't even begin to describe it to you.
Not that Jeff Bezos has anything to worry about, however, I know I have a whole lot less that I worry about.
That's a good thing.
It's been a grind all year getting to this point.
Driving the bus ,first 10 hours a week, then 14 then 18,then 21 now 26.
Incrementally adding dollars that could close the gap from the minus side to the even side (I'm still working on getting to the plus side!).
Stabilizing Halloween income.
Addressing my credit situation.
Adding by subtracting.
This has probably been the greatest change over the past 15 months or so.
That's great news.
My health?
Well, it was almost 5 years ago when this became the number 1 priority for me.
380 pounds was a long time ago and while I have taken a step or 2 backwards in this area of my life, I have not thrown it all away or even let it get that far out of control.
Over the last 40 days, I have begun recapturing the ground I have lost here as well. More great stuff!
So why am I struggling with the question of What the hell am I doing?
Because it's time for me to take on another great challenge.
I am not sure what that challenge is.
I know it has something to do with this.
My writing.
My purpose.
My happiness.
My significance.
Oddly, I just re read my quote for the day :
While I am not sure of the answer to my question, I do know that if I continue to take small steps, add little victories and grab that 1% of better, my life will take on greater meaning.
Thanks Oprah!
(I can't believe I'm thanking Oprah Winfrey!)
Shabbat Shalom!
This is the question I find that I am asking myself lately.
What the hell am I doing with my life?
Once asked,I believe the question should be answered.
So what am I doing with my life?
As I look back, let's just say over the last year, what have I been doing and what have I accomplished?
At the start of 2017 one of my goals was to be 1% better today than I was yesterday.
I knew if I could accomplish that the compound effects would be huge.
That 1% could be in any area of my life.
My health, my finances, my relationships, my happiness.
Or it could be a little bit in each area,as long as I was constantly adding that 1%.
It's hard to gauge exactly what 1% looks like when it comes to being better at life.
If were to lose 1% of my weight that would be awesome.
That didn't actually happen every day.
I don't know if I smiled 1% more today than yesterday.
Maybe I did.
If I look at the big picture though, the overall snapshot, did I accomplish what I set out to do,
make myself better every day?
From the financial side of things that would be a resounding yes.
The sleepless nights desperately wondering how last months's bills would get paid have shifted,a lot!
After too many years to enumerate, that part of my life is so significantly different I can't even begin to describe it to you.
Not that Jeff Bezos has anything to worry about, however, I know I have a whole lot less that I worry about.
That's a good thing.
It's been a grind all year getting to this point.
Driving the bus ,first 10 hours a week, then 14 then 18,then 21 now 26.
Incrementally adding dollars that could close the gap from the minus side to the even side (I'm still working on getting to the plus side!).
Stabilizing Halloween income.
Addressing my credit situation.
Adding by subtracting.
This has probably been the greatest change over the past 15 months or so.
That's great news.
My health?
Well, it was almost 5 years ago when this became the number 1 priority for me.
380 pounds was a long time ago and while I have taken a step or 2 backwards in this area of my life, I have not thrown it all away or even let it get that far out of control.
Over the last 40 days, I have begun recapturing the ground I have lost here as well. More great stuff!
So why am I struggling with the question of What the hell am I doing?
Because it's time for me to take on another great challenge.
I am not sure what that challenge is.
I know it has something to do with this.
My writing.
My purpose.
My happiness.
My significance.
Oddly, I just re read my quote for the day :

While I am not sure of the answer to my question, I do know that if I continue to take small steps, add little victories and grab that 1% of better, my life will take on greater meaning.
Thanks Oprah!
(I can't believe I'm thanking Oprah Winfrey!)
Shabbat Shalom!
Friday, March 16, 2018
By the time I am on my way home at the end of each day, the radio station I listen to has signed off the air and I am forced to switch to another station.
For the last hour and a half or so that I have patrons on the bus, I find some light music , however once I drop off my last passenger I switch to sports talk radio.
Invariably at around 5:30 they run the same commercial.
It's an ad for a weight loss procedure.
They interview Eric, who has had a balloon inserted to help him lose weight.
Eric tells us how he had this procedure done a little over 2 months ago.
Since then he has lost over 27 pounds (note ...that means not 28 or 29).
He is wearing a suit that he has not worn in over 4 years (note....time to update your clothes!)
When he runs into people who have not seen him in the recent past they are amazed and query "what have you done!"
He says he feels and looks fantastic!
It's amazing!
This has been life altering!
Everyone should jump on this and get it done!
It's fast pain less and the best news is no one knows that you even had the procedure!
Okay as for the painless , the disclaimer at the end of the commercial states that you may experience abdominal pain and diarrhea which should go away within 2 weeks, but hey, that's a minor inconvenience.
They go on to say that you must (now get this) be able to follow a prescribed diet and exercise plan.
Yet I digress!
The point is I have something I have wanted to share with you and since today is another How Am I Doin' Friday I have chosen today as the day.
Today is Day 40 of my current 40 day cycle.
Unlike in the past, I didn't tell you or for that mater any one other than those right around me during meal time, that I was even doing a cycle. I chose to keep this to myself (sounds like the no one needs to know you had the procedure done line).
Now 40 days is just short of 6 weeks not 2 months.
I too have lost just over 27 pounds (trust me not 28 or 29).
No one and I mean no one has said to me "My what a difference".
I have not heard one "you look great!".
While the clothes I was wearing 6 weeks ago fit me better now than they did in February, I certainly am not sporting a new wardrobe.
I can squeeze into a smaller size however for the most part, my dress will be the same for St. Patty's day as it was for the Super Bowl.
Oh and by the way,no one inflated a balloon inside of me along the way either.
Back to my point!
I chose to clean up my eating (along with my life).
It's a process not a procedure.
It's about life choices not surgical ones.
Tomorrow I start the transition phase.
Tuesday I begin the reset phase.
And on April 9th,
I will begin the reduction cycle again.
When all goes as planned, by mid May I should be down to a place where I can comfortably wear most of the clothes in my closet.
Hopefully that will include my size 32 skinny jeans (the blue ones).
(For some unknown reason the black ones just never fit the same way.)
I don't necessarily feel all that much different although my attitude is a more positive one
My back is still a challenge.
My clothes are fitting me better.I am pleased with the weight loss and feel better ABOUT myself.
(Which is what I think Eric means when he says he feels better).
The Journey continues.
There are times when enthusiasm as well as resolve wane.
And then I choose to regroup and have at it again.
Shabbat Shalom!
For the last hour and a half or so that I have patrons on the bus, I find some light music , however once I drop off my last passenger I switch to sports talk radio.
Invariably at around 5:30 they run the same commercial.
It's an ad for a weight loss procedure.
They interview Eric, who has had a balloon inserted to help him lose weight.
Eric tells us how he had this procedure done a little over 2 months ago.
Since then he has lost over 27 pounds (note ...that means not 28 or 29).
He is wearing a suit that he has not worn in over 4 years (note....time to update your clothes!)
When he runs into people who have not seen him in the recent past they are amazed and query "what have you done!"
He says he feels and looks fantastic!
It's amazing!
This has been life altering!
Everyone should jump on this and get it done!
It's fast pain less and the best news is no one knows that you even had the procedure!
Okay as for the painless , the disclaimer at the end of the commercial states that you may experience abdominal pain and diarrhea which should go away within 2 weeks, but hey, that's a minor inconvenience.
They go on to say that you must (now get this) be able to follow a prescribed diet and exercise plan.
Yet I digress!
The point is I have something I have wanted to share with you and since today is another How Am I Doin' Friday I have chosen today as the day.
Today is Day 40 of my current 40 day cycle.
Unlike in the past, I didn't tell you or for that mater any one other than those right around me during meal time, that I was even doing a cycle. I chose to keep this to myself (sounds like the no one needs to know you had the procedure done line).
Now 40 days is just short of 6 weeks not 2 months.
I too have lost just over 27 pounds (trust me not 28 or 29).
No one and I mean no one has said to me "My what a difference".
I have not heard one "you look great!".
While the clothes I was wearing 6 weeks ago fit me better now than they did in February, I certainly am not sporting a new wardrobe.
I can squeeze into a smaller size however for the most part, my dress will be the same for St. Patty's day as it was for the Super Bowl.
Oh and by the way,no one inflated a balloon inside of me along the way either.
Back to my point!
I chose to clean up my eating (along with my life).
It's a process not a procedure.
It's about life choices not surgical ones.
Tomorrow I start the transition phase.
Tuesday I begin the reset phase.
And on April 9th,
I will begin the reduction cycle again.
When all goes as planned, by mid May I should be down to a place where I can comfortably wear most of the clothes in my closet.
Hopefully that will include my size 32 skinny jeans (the blue ones).
(For some unknown reason the black ones just never fit the same way.)
I don't necessarily feel all that much different although my attitude is a more positive one
My back is still a challenge.
My clothes are fitting me better.I am pleased with the weight loss and feel better ABOUT myself.
(Which is what I think Eric means when he says he feels better).
The Journey continues.
There are times when enthusiasm as well as resolve wane.
And then I choose to regroup and have at it again.
Shabbat Shalom!
Thursday, March 15, 2018
It's been 5 weeks since I got back behind the wheel of my bus.
My how time flies when you are having fun!
Seriously, I have noticed that since obtaining my CDL my attitude behind the wheel has changed.
Maybe it's because I am now a licensed professional (okay that feels weird to say) , however it's true.
Sitting high above the cars that zip in and out on the roads I travel, I am acutely aware of the responsibility that has been entrusted to me in regards to not only the vehicle I drive but the patrons and passengers on it.
From the moment I step up into the bus, until I put the key back into the pocket of the bag I carry,I am "The Bus Driver".
My mind doesn't wander off in 10 different directions.
I am not thinking about what I am preparing for dinner or what I have to do once I am done with my run.
Emails and text messages can wait.
Plans for the evening or the upcoming weekend don't cross my mind.
My focus is the road, the vehicle and my passengers.
I have slowed down on the roads.
I stop and follow proper protocols at all railroad crossings.
I am constantly checking mirrors,side view, rear view and passenger.
While I was never an aggressive driver, I am even more conservative than ever,a striking contrast by the way to most other drivers on the road.
It's a job.
It comes with rules and responsibilities.
It also comes with lots of cool stuff like a head set for my phone and sunglasses that make me look even cooler than I am!
But seriously, for the 25-30 hours that I am behind the wheel each week, I have come to notice that I am a different person than I am the rest of the time.
I just find that kind of interesting
My how time flies when you are having fun!
Seriously, I have noticed that since obtaining my CDL my attitude behind the wheel has changed.
Maybe it's because I am now a licensed professional (okay that feels weird to say) , however it's true.
Sitting high above the cars that zip in and out on the roads I travel, I am acutely aware of the responsibility that has been entrusted to me in regards to not only the vehicle I drive but the patrons and passengers on it.
From the moment I step up into the bus, until I put the key back into the pocket of the bag I carry,I am "The Bus Driver".
My mind doesn't wander off in 10 different directions.
I am not thinking about what I am preparing for dinner or what I have to do once I am done with my run.
Emails and text messages can wait.
Plans for the evening or the upcoming weekend don't cross my mind.
My focus is the road, the vehicle and my passengers.
I have slowed down on the roads.
I stop and follow proper protocols at all railroad crossings.
I am constantly checking mirrors,side view, rear view and passenger.
While I was never an aggressive driver, I am even more conservative than ever,a striking contrast by the way to most other drivers on the road.
It's a job.
It comes with rules and responsibilities.
It also comes with lots of cool stuff like a head set for my phone and sunglasses that make me look even cooler than I am!
But seriously, for the 25-30 hours that I am behind the wheel each week, I have come to notice that I am a different person than I am the rest of the time.
I just find that kind of interesting
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
If I have said it once I've said it 1000 times, I don't like change.
I know it is inevitable.
It just makes me uncomfortable.
Status quo is easy.
People can get used to anything.
Whether the place or situation we find ourselves in is a good one or not doesn't really matter.
We deal with it and get used to it.
Bad relationships, marriages, work environments, or friendships,we put up with them.
Poor health, bad finances,bad habits or weight gain, we cope.
Ooooh that's scary!
That's uncomfortable.
That's disruptive.
Guess what..........
Scary is good!
Uncomfortable even better!
It sounds crazy and I hate the process.
I normally love the results.
I just am so insecure when I have to get off of my butt and do something which I feel is an extreme change.
Setting change in motion is always the toughest part for me.
After that comes the adjustment period which eventually leads to the new normal.
It's in the new normal where I finally find comfortable again.
That is until it becomes time for more upheaval and change.
Such is life!
One thing I have learned along this Journey...
Change is inevitable!
Without change there is no growth.
Without growing, we're dying.
Talk about scary!
I know it is inevitable.
It just makes me uncomfortable.
Status quo is easy.
People can get used to anything.
Whether the place or situation we find ourselves in is a good one or not doesn't really matter.
We deal with it and get used to it.
Bad relationships, marriages, work environments, or friendships,we put up with them.
Poor health, bad finances,bad habits or weight gain, we cope.
Ooooh that's scary!
That's uncomfortable.
That's disruptive.
Guess what..........
Scary is good!
Uncomfortable even better!
It sounds crazy and I hate the process.
I normally love the results.
I just am so insecure when I have to get off of my butt and do something which I feel is an extreme change.
Setting change in motion is always the toughest part for me.
After that comes the adjustment period which eventually leads to the new normal.
It's in the new normal where I finally find comfortable again.
That is until it becomes time for more upheaval and change.
Such is life!
One thing I have learned along this Journey...
Change is inevitable!
Without change there is no growth.
Without growing, we're dying.
Talk about scary!
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Have you ever played tug of war with a dog using a pull toy or a towel or some other garment?
It's a ton of fun.
They sink their teeth in and pull until the line between the 2 of you is taught.
Then they keep inching back tightening and tightening the pulled object,straining it to the point where you surely believe either the dog's teeth will come out,you will lose your grip or the item rips apart.
When you or the dog lets up a bit, the line goes a little slack and then whammo, he tugs hard again and the tension continues.
Well that is exactly what the back of my thighs felt like all day yesterday!
It started with that initial bite, where the teeth just sank in and grabbed a hold of my glutes draining all of the strength from the rest of my legs.
Then when I would least expect it ,whammo, that tug as the teeth's grip on my buttocks and upper thighs sank deeper and deeper.
This went on literally all day long.
Needless to say, I was miserable.
Hence , no writing yesterday.
When I first got out of bed this morning, the only thing that had changed was that the death grip had increased.
Disheartened barely describes how I was feeling.
I could barely walk.
I certainly could not bend.
I couldn't even reach over from the edge of my bed to the night stand to get a pair of socks out of the drawer.
I started to do some light stretching .
Little by little I regained some range of motion.
After about 20 minutes, I was able to get dressed and make my way to my desk.
After another 15 minutes of sitting upright and gently extending my stretches, I was able to stand with relatively manageable discomfort.
As the morning has gone on, I have found that the "pain" is now an ache.
There is absolutely a difference between an ache and a pain!
I guess the dog that was biting at my butt has found another play toy for now.
I was able to drive the bus, go shopping at the grocery, put up dinner and now write to you.
Hopefully that mutt will be as accommodating for the rest of the day.
I can use the break!
It's a ton of fun.
They sink their teeth in and pull until the line between the 2 of you is taught.
Then they keep inching back tightening and tightening the pulled object,straining it to the point where you surely believe either the dog's teeth will come out,you will lose your grip or the item rips apart.
When you or the dog lets up a bit, the line goes a little slack and then whammo, he tugs hard again and the tension continues.
Well that is exactly what the back of my thighs felt like all day yesterday!
It started with that initial bite, where the teeth just sank in and grabbed a hold of my glutes draining all of the strength from the rest of my legs.
Then when I would least expect it ,whammo, that tug as the teeth's grip on my buttocks and upper thighs sank deeper and deeper.
This went on literally all day long.
Needless to say, I was miserable.
Hence , no writing yesterday.
When I first got out of bed this morning, the only thing that had changed was that the death grip had increased.
Disheartened barely describes how I was feeling.
I could barely walk.
I certainly could not bend.
I couldn't even reach over from the edge of my bed to the night stand to get a pair of socks out of the drawer.
I started to do some light stretching .
Little by little I regained some range of motion.
After about 20 minutes, I was able to get dressed and make my way to my desk.
After another 15 minutes of sitting upright and gently extending my stretches, I was able to stand with relatively manageable discomfort.
As the morning has gone on, I have found that the "pain" is now an ache.
There is absolutely a difference between an ache and a pain!
I guess the dog that was biting at my butt has found another play toy for now.
I was able to drive the bus, go shopping at the grocery, put up dinner and now write to you.
Hopefully that mutt will be as accommodating for the rest of the day.
I can use the break!
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Max and I went car shopping yesterday afternoon. His lease is up in 3 months and we figured it would be fun to see what his options might be when he turns his car in.
His current vehicle sits low to the ground and given that he is not as young as he used to be (he turns 28 next month!), he would prefer something that is easier to get in and out of.
Ideally he told me he would love to find something mid way between his coupe and his mom's crossover.
Our first stop was at the Hyundai dealership across the highway from our house.
Lo and behold, sitting on the floor right in front of the door was Hyundai's newest offering, the Kona, a compact crossover, literally exactly what he was looking for.
The model on the floor had everything he wanted. Push button start,heated seats, lane warning device, back up camera,and it was even the exact color he would like.
Obviously he said perfect .....we'll take it!
Well not exactly.
We took it for a test drive.
Smooth. A
A really nice ride.
I sat in the back and I was plenty comfortable.
He felt the same in the driver's compartment.
When we got back to the showroom , it was time to talk numbers.
It amazes me how these negotiations go.
Never the less, after about 45 minutes, we decided to step away for the now.
Bottom line is Max doesn't need a new car right now.
This particular vehicle is so new to the market,they feel no need to make deals.
Max now has a picture of what his next vehicle will or can look like and cost.
He handled the situation as maturely and thoughtfully as possible.
He did not let the sales man's salesmanship sway him.
He turned to me when he felt he needed input or support.
He certainly didn't leave the place feeling as if he had missed the opportunity of a life time.
He now has a game plan.
Wait and see.
June will be here soon enough.
Who knows what will happen between now and then.
Maybe the dealer will get hungry?
Maybe Max will find something even nicer?
Maybe he'll hit the lottery?
One thing for certain is he will have a vehicle when he needs one.
And he will get it on his terms.
Shavua Tov!
His current vehicle sits low to the ground and given that he is not as young as he used to be (he turns 28 next month!), he would prefer something that is easier to get in and out of.
Ideally he told me he would love to find something mid way between his coupe and his mom's crossover.
Our first stop was at the Hyundai dealership across the highway from our house.
Lo and behold, sitting on the floor right in front of the door was Hyundai's newest offering, the Kona, a compact crossover, literally exactly what he was looking for.
The model on the floor had everything he wanted. Push button start,heated seats, lane warning device, back up camera,and it was even the exact color he would like.
Obviously he said perfect .....we'll take it!
Well not exactly.
We took it for a test drive.
Smooth. A
A really nice ride.
I sat in the back and I was plenty comfortable.
He felt the same in the driver's compartment.
When we got back to the showroom , it was time to talk numbers.
It amazes me how these negotiations go.
Never the less, after about 45 minutes, we decided to step away for the now.
Bottom line is Max doesn't need a new car right now.
This particular vehicle is so new to the market,they feel no need to make deals.
Max now has a picture of what his next vehicle will or can look like and cost.
He handled the situation as maturely and thoughtfully as possible.
He did not let the sales man's salesmanship sway him.
He turned to me when he felt he needed input or support.
He certainly didn't leave the place feeling as if he had missed the opportunity of a life time.
He now has a game plan.
Wait and see.
June will be here soon enough.
Who knows what will happen between now and then.
Maybe the dealer will get hungry?
Maybe Max will find something even nicer?
Maybe he'll hit the lottery?
One thing for certain is he will have a vehicle when he needs one.
And he will get it on his terms.
Shavua Tov!
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Today was my day to serve as an usher at our temple.
Holding a seat on the religious affairs committee comes with this responsibility.
While I could probably come up with a list of a dozen other ways to spend a Saturday morning, I feel it's important to live up this commitment.
So without hesitation, after dropping Susan at the shop and picking up some apples at the market, I made my way over to the synagogue.
Obviously, this is a place where I am very comfortable.
My family has been members there since 1962.
There are very few people who come on a Saturday that I do not know and even less that do not know me.
My "shift" would normally run from 9 until late morning.
Most ushers kind of call it quits after about 11.
Having cleared my entire morning, I decided to stick around until services ended today.
Of course this week just happens to be the second longest Torah portion of the year so the morning was dragging on a bit longer than usual.
As I sat in the lobby,late into my morning,I noticed 2 gentlemen approaching the building. Neither one looked as if they belonged in this setting. The older of the 2, someone who appeared to be about my age, was dressed in jeans and an un-tucked flannel over a t-shirt.
The younger man was wearing jeans and a sweater. Neither was decked out n what anyone would consider as "go to meetin'" garb.
The pair made their way up the steps, proceeded past the security guard on duty in the foyer and pulled open the doors to the lobby.
The elder of the 2 seemed to be looking for some one or something as I approached.
I greeted them and ask if I could help them.
The elder said he was looking for a plaque in honor of his father.
It wasn't immediately clear to me if he was looking to purchase a new plaque or was searching for one that already existed.
That became clear to me as he quickly made his way past me , headed to the wall behind me and said to the younger man"here it is....this is your Grandfather's".
I joined them and read the name .
I had no idea who this person was.
That plaque has been in that same spot as long as I can remember and to be honest,in all of my 56 years of being in that building , I never took much notice of it.
It seems his dad,Boris F., was one of the founding members of the congregation. He served as the finance chairman when this fledgling community decided to raise funds to build a synagogue.
He said he has a picture from 60 years ago with his dad and the rest of the building committee proudly displaying the $250,000 check that represented the funds they had raised to break ground and construct the Jewish Community Center of Paramus.
He was so excited to share this with his son.
Moving down the wall to the area where there are plaques dedicated to many other founding members, his eyes filled with tears as he mentally matched the names on the wall to faces he remembered from so many years ago.
I shared with him that this year's annual dinner dance honoree was the building itself,celebrating the 60th anniversary of the groundbreaking.
He offered to send me the picture and of course I told him that we would be thrilled to have it.
We shared and compared memories for a few minutes.
I asked him to stay for kiddush (Google it!) , but he declined.
His son asked if he could take a picture of the plaque.
I explained that it was the Sabbath and that we do not permit that on Shabbat.
He understood and wanted to be respectful.
We spent a few more moments reminiscing and then it was time for them to leave.
The Dad wanted to take one more look at the plaque.
It was then that I chose to commit my soul to eternal damnation. I told the younger man "quick, while no one is looking, take your picture".
He smiled and thanked me,snapped the shot with his dad and the plaque and said a final farewell.
As they headed side by side towards the door, he put his arm on his dad's back.
If ever there was one, this had been a Kodak moment.
I am sure that when my day of reckoning comes, I will have no problem justifying my decision to the Big Guy up above!
And if he has a problem with it......too bad!
Shabbat Shalom!
Holding a seat on the religious affairs committee comes with this responsibility.
While I could probably come up with a list of a dozen other ways to spend a Saturday morning, I feel it's important to live up this commitment.
So without hesitation, after dropping Susan at the shop and picking up some apples at the market, I made my way over to the synagogue.
Obviously, this is a place where I am very comfortable.
My family has been members there since 1962.
There are very few people who come on a Saturday that I do not know and even less that do not know me.
My "shift" would normally run from 9 until late morning.
Most ushers kind of call it quits after about 11.
Having cleared my entire morning, I decided to stick around until services ended today.
Of course this week just happens to be the second longest Torah portion of the year so the morning was dragging on a bit longer than usual.
As I sat in the lobby,late into my morning,I noticed 2 gentlemen approaching the building. Neither one looked as if they belonged in this setting. The older of the 2, someone who appeared to be about my age, was dressed in jeans and an un-tucked flannel over a t-shirt.
The younger man was wearing jeans and a sweater. Neither was decked out n what anyone would consider as "go to meetin'" garb.
The pair made their way up the steps, proceeded past the security guard on duty in the foyer and pulled open the doors to the lobby.
The elder of the 2 seemed to be looking for some one or something as I approached.
I greeted them and ask if I could help them.
The elder said he was looking for a plaque in honor of his father.
It wasn't immediately clear to me if he was looking to purchase a new plaque or was searching for one that already existed.
That became clear to me as he quickly made his way past me , headed to the wall behind me and said to the younger man"here it is....this is your Grandfather's".
I joined them and read the name .
I had no idea who this person was.
That plaque has been in that same spot as long as I can remember and to be honest,in all of my 56 years of being in that building , I never took much notice of it.
It seems his dad,Boris F., was one of the founding members of the congregation. He served as the finance chairman when this fledgling community decided to raise funds to build a synagogue.
He said he has a picture from 60 years ago with his dad and the rest of the building committee proudly displaying the $250,000 check that represented the funds they had raised to break ground and construct the Jewish Community Center of Paramus.
He was so excited to share this with his son.
Moving down the wall to the area where there are plaques dedicated to many other founding members, his eyes filled with tears as he mentally matched the names on the wall to faces he remembered from so many years ago.
I shared with him that this year's annual dinner dance honoree was the building itself,celebrating the 60th anniversary of the groundbreaking.
He offered to send me the picture and of course I told him that we would be thrilled to have it.
We shared and compared memories for a few minutes.
I asked him to stay for kiddush (Google it!) , but he declined.
His son asked if he could take a picture of the plaque.
I explained that it was the Sabbath and that we do not permit that on Shabbat.
He understood and wanted to be respectful.
We spent a few more moments reminiscing and then it was time for them to leave.
The Dad wanted to take one more look at the plaque.
It was then that I chose to commit my soul to eternal damnation. I told the younger man "quick, while no one is looking, take your picture".
He smiled and thanked me,snapped the shot with his dad and the plaque and said a final farewell.
As they headed side by side towards the door, he put his arm on his dad's back.
If ever there was one, this had been a Kodak moment.
I am sure that when my day of reckoning comes, I will have no problem justifying my decision to the Big Guy up above!
And if he has a problem with it......too bad!
Shabbat Shalom!
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