Tuesday, October 17, 2017

My plan was to write about this yesterday.
 So much for plans!
My day was fraught (I don't think I have ever used the word fraught in my writing before), with stumbling blocks and time vampires.
Which kind of brings me back to exactly what I wanted to share with you.
While my heart is certainly still not ready to move on, the crap piling up around my desk is telling me that it's time to get back to work.
After basically a month of Jewish holidays and the emotional chaos of last week,things have been neglected.
Not completely,but enough for me to notice that if I don't get my act together stuff will start to fall apart.
I guess the transition from where I was to getting back on the road of life again started on Sunday. For the first time since early August, my Sunday and my week started with my now new normal driving schedule.
(I like normal schedules!)
On Sunday the house got cleaned including vacuuming up the last of Loki's hair,washing the floors where he had a few accidents lately and putting away his toys and food and water bowls. 
Even if I didn't want to, we were certainly moving on.
Yesterday, the broken water main got fixed. Even though I could ill afford the expense, after months of wringing my hands over how, I just got it done.
Time to move on.
There are some other lingering financial challenges that had to be addressed which I did and now I will just figure out how to move on.
So whether my heart and soul are ready is of little consequence. It is time to start to move on.
There is no more time for me to wallow in the woe is me world.
Move on.
What's next? 
Bring it on.
It's time.
I am not necessarily ready  and certainly not rarin'.
I'm sure that will change in due time.
For now I just keep on keepin' on and movin' on.

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