Saturday, October 7, 2017

A few minutes after I sent out my email yesterday about possibly attending a silent retreat in November, I received a message directly from the heavens. A friend ,traveling on an airplane responded to me from 40,000 feet in the air.
His message from the heavens was simple:
"I'm in!"
That was all I needed to hear. Immediately I went back into my emails, found the link to the retreat and signed up.
Woo Hoo!
I am excited!
Within in minutes of taking this bold leap (trust me for me this was a huge commitment) I found myself coming to terms with a challenge that has been disrupting my personal space for weeks.
The challenge has some financial consequences. It is a huge commitment of resources that are not really available and certainly had not been planned for as this is an unforeseen  expenditure.
In the end ,my decision was to move forward with this project. The stress that not dealing with it was not worth the price I was paying .
The capital outlay while temporarily painful will be insignificant compared to the toll not dealing with the problem was taking on me.
I wasn't sleeping. 
Every waking moment was overshadowed by the cloud that was hanging over me because of this challenge.
I was stressed out beyond the norm.
And it was certainly hampering any attempt to find SERENITY.
Today I set the wheels in motion to rectify the challenge.
In a couple of weeks, it will be completed, I will have paid the bill ...somehow, and I will move on , fixed and repaired and a lesson learned.
The positive take away from this is that because of what I am dealing with, I now have a great piece of advise that I can and have shared with others, perhaps saving them the aggravation, stress and thousands of dollars that I will have exhausted during this learning curve.
Since making this decision to move forward on this challenge ,I can breathe once again. 
I can smile once again. 
And I can become productive once again.
 I can even get back to my quest for SERENITY!
Shabbat Shalom!

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