Thursday, September 28, 2017

While this whole new schedule has afforded me some time to attend to "me" things, I have not been able to catch up on as much as I had hoped to. 
This fact that I have not written to you since Monday is evidence of just how busy I have been.
It's kind of like trying to lose weight. You start your diet on day 1. Immediately you notice how much better you feel. you have this burst of energy as the lethargy from the crap you have been accustomed to eating lifts and your body becomes attuned to the good food you are now consuming. 
There is an extra pep in your step. 
You are sleeping better at night. 
You find yourself touching your body noticing how you are surely morphing into a thinner you. 
The scale even tells you that there is a dramatic difference. 
Then you reach into the closet to grab that shirt or those slacks that didn't fit and attempt to put them on. 
Uh uh!
No way.
They still don't fit. It is then and only then that you come face to face with the reality that this is only the beginning of a long process, one that will take quite a while before you can actually realize a change that is truly noticeable.
Even now, as I sit here banging at the keyboard in an attempt to reach out to you to catch up, I see that it is time for e to head out and start my day,a day that will have me on the move and running around until just about dinner time.
I am accomplishing a ton of chores and odd agenda items that have been left unattended for weeks. 
I understand that this is the very beginning of a long road back. eventually that noticeable difference will be apparent. Today.....well I'm off and running ,plowing ahead and making changes!

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