Monday, September 25, 2017

Okay so day 1 of my new schedule started out just fine. 
Everything was going along swimmingly.
I left the house early to get a running start . I also figured if I could get done with my morning run earlier I would have a few extra minutes during my mid morning break in the action.
Then came a text.
"Would you mind doing an extra pick up"
No big deal. 
With nothing special on my plate , the extra hour on  my run would be no big deal.
Then came another text.
"Mommy said you would be able to walk my dogs today?"
No problem!
Jump over to Sara's house, let the dogs out and then fly back to pick up my bus for the second run.
Before I knew it, the 2 1/2- 3 hours I anticipated having between runs had been whittled down to a little less than 90 minutes.
Like I said, not quite the game plan I had had when the day started.
In addition to this miscalculation is the fact that I have not addressed getting back to the gym.
Not that I am remotely ready to make that commitment at this point in my life either.
 It has been quite a while since  have worked out on anything resembling a regular schedule.
My 5-6 days a week has been cut down to my one day Sunday workout for months now.
Not good!
The sad part is I know just how good my sore muscles feel for days after my weekly trek to the gym. I know just awesome I feel for days as my arms and legs remind me just which part of my body I had isolated during my work out.
The only muscle keeping me from getting back to my regular regimen is the one between my ears!
No promises regarding this. Just acknowledging the awareness of the need to address this is a start.
A good start. 
As they say ,
To Be Continued...........

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