Monday, September 11, 2017

Today was another "hole in my sock" day.
You know what I mean. 
First thing in the morning,as you are getting dressed you find a hole in your sock. 
Then a stain on your shirt. 
Then you break a shoe lace.
You get the picture.
I did not sleep well at all last night.
There was a lot weighing on my mind which led to a very vivid an unsettling dream. 
It was so disturbing that I woke up filled with anxiety.
Not the way to start a busy day.
(It was the busy schedule that was haunting my sleep).
It was really chilly as I walked to my car. 
Key in the ignition.
Dead battery!
As you can well imagine, I could have chosen to see this as a portend of the kind of day I was going to have. Instead, I chose to view it for what it was,a dead battery.
The extra heavy volume of traffic?
Chalk it up to a Monday commute.
The construction every where I turned?
Long over due road maintenance. 
All of these and the numerous other detours to my day, could have fallen under the banner of "just my luck" or "of course this is happening to me".
Instead, as I said before, I chose to roll up my sleeves and slug through the day.
Look, I get it.
There are going to be days that feel like the world is conspiring against me.
When they occur, as they undoubtedly do from time to time, I am fortunate enough to now understand that maybe, just maybe I should take inventory of what is going on in my life .
Maybe some changes are in order?
Maybe some conversations should be had?
Maybe there are challenges that need to be met instead of ignored?
Time to realize that these maybes are really "Ya Thinks".
(BTW-I got a new battery!)

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