Sunday, September 24, 2017

It's blazing hot here today.
Too hot to cut the grass or to do much of any kind of work outdoors. 
The Yankees are getting their butts kicked. 
The Giants are giving their game away so watching sports is not real high on my agenda.
My desk , as well as the rest of the house is sparkling clean.
This is a great way to start the work week.
With both a morning and afternoon run on Sundays, my work week is at a minimum 6 days long.
I am looking forward to my newly revised schedule starting tomorrow.
The 2 1/2 hour break between my morning and afternoon runs during the week will be a huge asset for me.
An hour at my desk before my morning run, coupled with that mid day break gets most of the house keeping and maintenance work out of the way for me.
This allows me to put in 3 plus hours after my late run before dinner. 
When you add it up. I am still putting in a full day of working on my stuff plus 4-5 hours of driving.
That little mid day interlude will make all the difference. 
By the time I am done with my bus route , I will have handled the mundane stuff that often clutters my desk allowing for a window of opportunity to be at my creative and productive best later on in the day.
Let's be honest,when people have a typical 8 hour job, how many hours do they really spend working?
How many breaks do they take?
And a lunch hour?
And the normal office schmoozing and chit chat around the break room or water cooler?
I am excited as I look ahead to my new schedule and the work week.
A new beginning ,at the start of a new week on the first work  day after the New Year. 
Shavua Tov!

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