Saturday, September 23, 2017

It has been a challenging few weeks (as evidenced by my lack of consistency in writing and responding!).The biggest challenge ended on Tuesday when the people I have been working with and I decided that it was not working and we should part ways. 
Whew ......what a relief! 
While the money certainly might have helped, selling my soul was way to great of a price tag. For the first time in over a month I can breathe once again.
As I look towards the week ahead, I am excited to see that I once again have the opportunity to get back on track. Even with a holiday at the end of the week, I have 5 full days of my new "old" routine.
When the day started today my plan was to kick back, relax, recuperate and just mellow out. Instead, I have spent and will continue to spend the day, cleaning up and catching up in preparation for the upcoming week.
 I finally had the clarity of mind and focus to respond to emails today, some dating back to early September. 
I returned the cable equipment to Optimum after switching to Fios over a month ago.
There is a stack of mail sitting in front of me that I will tackle as soon as I finish this email.
I followed up with a vendor on a conversation we started 3 weeks ago laying out our game plan for the 2018 Halloween season.
Yes I said 2018 Halloween. 
(I just love it when people still ask me"what do you do the rest of the year?")
It is really kind of amazing. Here it is Saturday, 5 days since I ended what I now see as a truly caustic situation and I still find myself catching these really deep cathartic cleansing breaths. My lungs fill with cool fresh air and my body quivers as my chest expands and eventually contracts as I release the warm breath and it leaves me.
It is a new year.
Some how, through all of the craziness, I found peace in my holiday. 
It has cleared the way for me to continue on my Journey.
 I have even made plans to meet up with a dear friend in 3 weeks and pay a visit to the shul in Philadelphia. 
Unthinkable a week ago.
Very exciting today!
It is a new year!
It is a new day!
And it feels once again like a new beginning!
Shabbat Shalom!

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