Friday, September 22, 2017

After a very , and I do mean very, hectic, tumultuous and busy week,it's Friday!
As you know, Friday's are known around here as How Am I Doin' Friday. It's my opportunity to check in with you and catch up on just how things are going.
It just happens that on this particular How Am I Doin' Friday, it is the 2nd day of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year.
What better time could there possibly be to reconnect and recommit to you through my daily email.
Rosh Hashana and the holiday season marks the time for t'shuva.
This Hebrew word "teshuva" means: to return back to God.
More colloquially this return is seen as a time for change, to come back to center.
It is my opportunity to remind myself and re find myself.
Remind myself of what is important to me and re find my way back to the path of righteousness. 
I know righteousness is not a word commonly used today. 
It is however a very important and pertinent word.
Websters defines righteousness as acting in accord with divine or moral law.
Plain and simple,it means do the right thing.
Over and over, this simple way of approaching life keeps coming around for me.
Do the right thing!
So simple yet so unbelievably challenging.
During this turbulent week, a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders.
While there is still a bit of concern and uncertainty , specifically regarding the fiscal ramifications these changes will have for me, the greater reward is that I have been able to shed a huge burden on my time as well as my emotional resources.
In doing so, I have been able to find my way through the dense undergrowth of what was beginning to feel like a perilous path and back to the road that has been so rich and rewarding for me over the last 4 years.
From my house to yours, I want to wish you a happy, healthy sweet and yes prosperous New Year.
“Shanah tovah u'metuka ”
Shabbat Shalom!

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