Thursday, March 26, 2020

This is Not another Plague

“Always listen to the experts.
They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it.”
Robert A. Heinlein
I am really getting tired of seeing posts or messages from friends and others referencing our current set of circumstances a "the 11th Plague" or another plague, as if this has anything to do with the upcoming holiday.
I get it. We all choose to view life through the lenses we elect to wear.
There are those who will always be afraid, and wake up each day willing to accept gloom and doom as the natural state of affairs.
There are others who choose to wear blinders and refuse to see anything.
There are those that put on glasses that are just the wrong prescription,therefore obscuring everything they see making it impossible to comprehend what is before their eyes.
And then there are those with 20/20 eyesight and a clear vision who come at life with their eyes wide open to possibility.
4 different ways to view life.
Kind of like 4 different kinds of sons!
Hmmmmmmmmmm......seems to me that there are probably a whole lot of metaphorical stories we can draw from the Haggadah than simply adding another plague.
It just depends on the way you choose to look at them.

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