“At all times and under all circumstances, we have the power to transform the quality of our lives.”
Werner Erhard
So here we are.
Could you have ever imagined living under these conditions?
I certainly never imagined it.
Do you know who did?
The framers of the Constitution.
Hence the 2nd amendment.
I am sure that no teacher is teaching this to their students.
I know, I am sounding like some sort of radical conspiracy theorist but am I really.
Our leaders, have determined that this temporary shut down is what is best for the immediate future. With our consent and cooperation , they believe that this short term remedy will get us through.
Once again, the key words behind this thinking are consent and cooperation.
So what happens when that no longer applies?
What happens when the constraints and restrictions become overbearing and more than we can tolerate or accept?
What happens when those in government think they know what is best for us,even when they might not?
I know, you're thinking that could never happen.
It can and to some degree it does all of the time.
What has been referred to as the swamp,has been doing this forever.
We,the American public has allowed it and put up with it because it hasn't really mattered or affected our daily lives.
What happens when it does matter?
What happens when ideologues with their own agendas get so polarized and convinced that they know best that we don't matter?
Wake up people.
We are at that doorstep.
Our response?
Hoarding toilet paper!
Our forefathers understood that there may come a time that we will need the right to bear arms.Not to protect ourselves from intruders or robbery or burglary.
It's to equally arm ourselves as a militia against the tyranny of an out of control government.
Waiting until that time comes would be way too late.
I never have and never will own a gun.
I may consider however, looking into buying a tank or some other armored vehicle.
Just in case!
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