"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Susan has been dealing with some medical "stuff" for the last few weeks.
After a visit to her primary care physician, it was suggested that she go for a mammogram. Nothing to get hysterical about, but always stressful, especially given what her prompted the initial visit to her doctor.
The resulting suggestion after the mammogram was"let's do a biopsy.....it's probably just fatty tissue ,but we should check".
Biopsy scheduled for the following Monday.
Now, barely 24 hours before said procedure and after weeks of growing anxiousness, the hospital just called to cancel the procedure.
You got it. The coronavirus stupidity!
That's it!
I'm done!
Enough is enough!
Here are some real numbers.
Over a quarter of a million women in America are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer every year.
Another 50,000 are diagnosed with non-invasive (the earliest form of breast cancer).
42,000 women will die from breast cancer this year.
This is approximately 1000 times more people than have currently died from this stupid hoax of a pandemic thus far in the U.S.
I have had it.
Enough is enough.
My response therefore can only be one thing.
I refuse to play this stupid game.
I refuse to buy into the hysteria around what is just another new virus, which in my brief time on this planet has occurred more times than I can count.
I hereby vow to:
Not buy into the hysteria.
Not wipe anything other than my ass when I am done taking a crap.
Not worry about sneezing or coughing in public.
Not quarantine myself in any way.
I will continue to lead my life in as normal a fashion as I possibly can.
Enough is enough.
If this flu kills me, it was just my time.
If my germs infect somebody else, too bad.It's the natural course of things.
I will not allow the madness of uncertainty to interrupt my life.
According to the same health care professionals and experts who have no idea as to how much of a problem this Woohan flu is, my wife's tests for something that is a) completely preventative and b) absolutely manageable, which effect 1000's of more women year in and year out than this stupid nonsense has to date,must now be shelved due to histrionics.
I'm done!
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