Saturday, March 28, 2020

Oh well...............

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”
 –Helen Keller
A while back, I started following a new social media platform called Nextdoor. It seemed like a decent enough place to connect with the local community.
Every once in a while a message would pop up about a missing cat or dog. Sometimes it was an informed update on some incident or situation in the community. Often it was " does anyone know a good .....?" looking for a contractor of some sort or doctor or other professional service.
There have even been PSA's by the local towns, a great way to get the word out when necessary.
As it is with any of these sights, there are those who for lack of a real life of any sort, post daily, repeatedly and have very little to offer of substance. They ask a question and then ignore the answers or recommendations. They just like hearing themselves talk.
This morning, when I opened my emails to start my day as I always do, there it was. A post berated and attacking the President in a fairly childish and sophomoric way.
Once again, what started out as a useful tool to help us connect has become a vehicle for dividing us and spreading the cancer of incivility.
I have seen many posts and heard many comments in the past few days ,lauding praise on Americans for how we are responding to "the Crisis".
I for one don't see it.
That we we are praising should be the norm,not the exception. Helping our friends, family and neighbors.
Health care professionals doing the job they were trained for and signed up for.
First responders responding.
Parents paying attention the their kids.
Teachers actually working hard at being creative and stimulating young minds.
These things should be the norm. It's what we are supposed to do as good decent, caring human beings.
Istead what I see more of is unwanted hysteria, hoarding and a complete lack of the spirit that got us through WW1,WW11, the great depression,9-11 and many other times when we needed to step up and face a challenge.
We have become cowering sniveling images of the greatness that we are want actually be.
I for one am ashamed, not proud of how we as a country,a nation, a people, have stepped up.
This is the America that we live in and I for one am greatly saddened by it.
Shabbat Shalom!.

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