Tuesday, March 24, 2020


"You must do the things today that others will not do, so that you can have the things tomorrow that others will not have."
Author Unknown
A day after posting my March word of the Month,I had an interesting as well as disturbing dialogue with a colleague.
I have been working with this person for a number of years. Our conversations,casual and mostly about business, have not been what one might consider deep.Still, I was fairly sure that in the 3 plus years we have known each other, they had some sense of who I was and what I was about.
They really didn't have a clue.
I was mortified.
Not at them, but at myself.
How is it possible that in the hundreds of interactions we have had since we have known each other, they are just starting to know me?
They certainly have experienced and heard about T.G.F.D. (Thank Goodness for David!).
They were a part of my launch of the What about Me Movement I started 2 years ago.
And they have been part of and observed and benefited from the strengths and additions that I have brought with me. So why is it that 3 years later they are first saying" so now that I know ....about you....".
It's not like I have been hiding it.
Or maybe I have been?
It's all very odd to me.
Aha moment.
If I have only just begun acknowledging and understanding just who I am,then why should I be surprised when others don't get it?
It's about time for me to fully embrace the name I was given at birth.
It is important. David...........
It's time for me to be DAVID.

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