Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Just ask me

"Our lives are defined not by the challenges we encounter, but by how we respond to those challenges."
Jonathan Lockwood Huie
When I was in elementary school, my parents went to a parent teacher conference. You remember them. The babysitter shows up and your mom and dad go off to hear about how you are doing in school.I know my mom and dad used these occasions to stop at the Suburban diner on their way home to grab a cup of coffee, a piece of pie and a few minutes away from us.
At this particular meeting, my teacher commented that although I was always prepared and did my work, whenever she would tell me to do something I would resist.
My dad's response was "that's David!".
"Ask him to do something and he'll walk through fir and crash through walls to get it done.Tell him to do something and he will turn his back to that same wall."
I am no different today than I was 57 years ago.
This shutdown we are experiencing where I live is bringing up all of the same ill will that I would have reacted to way back then.
Governor Christie's chronies went to jail over shutting down a bridge for a few hours. Our current governor is shutting down the entire state. Hardly seems reasonable to me.
I am all for due caution, but this is way overboard for me.
I am an adult and I can make responsible decisions.
I am not going to a movie theater under these conditions. I have chosen to not get my haircut and go with the homeless look until we get the all clear.
(Although if this keeps up to long , I will look the part when I do become homeless without income!).
I grocery shop for the few items I need TODAY daily. I am not hoarding anything especially not toilet paper.My 15 minute venture to the market helps me keep my sanity.
We have to close our shop by Saturday.
Our shop by the way it is constructed is perfectly set up for social distancing.
My customers are responsible adults.
They should be able to choose.
The Senior Center I work at is closed. Our choice and probably a very smart one.
I would like to have more choices.
I hate being told by the government that I don't have a choice.
The government who is still going to get their paychecks during all of this. The government that still will collect taxes, delayed or not. You can bet they will always get theirs.
This is the kind of stuff that revolutions are born out of.
I can't imagine that there aren't others feeling like I am who do not like having a choice.
I kind of wish Iwas a day laborer who worked landscaping or construction. No shut down there.
Just sayin'.
Once again,it's US getting squeezed.
Without being able to choose.
I am getting a bit pissed off.
And I can't imagine I am the only one.
I want the ability to make choices.
Then I can feel human once again.
This is not helping anything. But hey, that's just how I feel.

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