Sunday, March 22, 2020

March Word of the Month

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
March Word of the Month
Hineni is Hebrew for “here I am,”
and is the response
Abraham gives when God calls on him to sacrifice his son Isaac

March Word of the Month
Hineni is Hebrew for “here I am,”
and is the response
Abraham gives when God calls on him to sacrifice his son Isaac

I just had one of the most disappointing things happen that has ever happened since I began writing almost 7 years ago.
As you know, I never pre-plan what I am going to write. I open my computer, add my quotes of the day, change the date and subject and then I am off to the races until I feel as if I am finished.
Very stream of consciousness.
Today after what felt like a particularly gratifying entry, I accidentally hit something and everything I had written vanished.
I became physically ill.
It was as if I had been kicked in the groin.
Once the wind has gone from my sails,there is no going back.
I can not nor will I even attempt to recreate what had just poured out of me, no matter how good I thought it was.
And no I move on.

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