Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Yesterday was a day of reckoning of sorts. The results from my MRI were in and now it was time to come up with a plan of action.
The doctor's first words were "The news is not good....and my recommendation is you take a few weeks off from work while we begin treatment".
So when I finally stopped rolling around the floor after hysterically laughing, I asked "okay what are we really going to do? "
He acknowledged that he thought this would be my reaction and we in fact did map out a forward plan that keeps me working and doing whatever I do while we treat whatever needs to be treated.
Look, I'm not an idiot.
If my continuing to lead as much of a normal life as possible was going to have dire consequences, of course I would shut things down. 
That just isn't the case here.
Yes there are some significant challenges that face me. Some immediate and some that will probably come up later on in life.
Today's challenge is to get back to normal and deal with the pain while getting there.
Early in the day, you wouldn't want to be me.
Heck I don't want to be me!
As my body loosens up, I can function fairly well.
As the day wears on, so do I.
Suck it up!
As it is said"this too shall pass!"
There are activities that come up in the course of my day that are challenging. I try my bets to minimize them.
When I can't, I grin and bare it.
Being perfectly honest, it is draining. 
It has kept me from writing at times.
When the pain is intense, focus is a challenge.
For now it is one day, more like one hour at a time.
I deal with the task in front of me doing my best to accomplish what NEEDS to be accomplished.
elective activities such as grocery shopping , are kept to a minimum. I have even gone so far as to ask for help . 
I know ....Pretty amazing!
As I said....this too shall pass.
So if I miss writing to you every once in a while, know that it's not because I don't want to.

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