Sunday, February 11, 2018

Yesterday I wrote:
Once said it becomes a reality!Obviously that is working since I also exclaimed yesterday that I am back and launched my February Word of the Month:
Coincidentally, my quote of the day from Doug Smith ,my colleague mentor brother and friend from High Performance Leadership was:
"What we say creates expectations!"
It amazes me how these things all tie together.
So here I am,day 2 in a row . 
A fresh start on my Journey.
While scrolling through some old pictures in my daughter Sara's photo album last night , I came across a picture of her and Loki.
Judging by his size , it must have been from about 8 -10 years ago. He seems full grown but not filled out to his majestic appearance.
It got me to thinking about him. 
Again as coincidence would have it, it was just over a year ago, that we began the battle that led to what we all new would be the eventual conclusion. 
Reflecting on my current experience with the pain and discomfort in my back and legs that I am dealing with, I can't imagine how frightened and alarmed that poor beast must have been .
I have the capacity to understand what is happening to my body and that eventually I will get better.
I know if I take Advil , the pain will subside.
I understand that the therapy and adjustments are helping.
This poor animal only knew the pain.
I know how much it hurts for me to stand up. No wonder he chose to lay under the table for hours on end. 
It was his safe haven.
I have to ask myself ,in retrospect, was I fair to him?
Were those last few months of him being a part of my life , my families life, worth putting him through whatever he was experiencing?
He could no longer pull himself up to his favorite resting spot, dead center on the sofa.
Once we got him on the proper meds, he seemed to be in a whole lot less pain. He appreciated being part of the family. 
He still greeted every one and anyone who came into our house with one of his dozens of "monkeys" (stuffed animals) hanging from his mouth.
He still loved to come rest his massive head on my lap and waited patiently for me to rub his ears, something that gave him nothing short of euphoric pleasure.
No, I am sure that he appreciated the few extra months that we all had together just as much as we did.
Two days before we had to put him down we had our annual open house Sukkot Kumsitz.
The house was a beehive of activity with somewhere in the neighborhood of 60-70 people visiting us that day. We spent the entire day outside and Loki was there to greet everyone. 
He was in his glory!
It was his last hurrah.
The next morning, he let me know it was time. Even the harness which for the last few months allowed me to help him get up and get outside was of no use. 
It was time to say good bye.
It was a good life.
He was a great friend.
I was so fortunate to have him in my life.
Shavua Tov!

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