Wednesday, January 17, 2018

I've been dealing with a bad back for the last few weeks. It started with a fall during a snow storm and has been nagging (to put it mildly) for quite some time now. My schedule has been jam packed so I have not made getting it looked at a priority. That is until today.
With a 2 week hiatus before my next trade show, I jumped at the opportunity to catch a ride with Max when he went to visit his chiropractor this evening. It's the same chiropractor that Susan has been using for months now. Max has been going since around Thanksgiving. Both of them rave about how good they feel after a treatment and have seen pretty spectacular results.
I figured he would get me in, give a push here and a shove there and like a fairy godmother wave a magic wand over me and poof, no more pain. I mean that's how it's supposed to work isn't it?
Well not really.
After sitting in the waiting room watching one patient after another walk in hunched over and walk out erect with a spring in their step, it was finally my turn.
He escorted me in to a treatment room.
3 different beds each resembling some medieval torture rack greeted me.
He pointed to the one in t he middle, the one that looked similar to other chiropractic treatment tables I have seen or laid on and said "face down please".
As I lay there he gently worked his hands up and down my spine, hips and upper legs. After a few minutes he said "sit up and face me".
No pushing , shoving , wrenching or twisting. 
No contortions.
Just sit up?
" You need to schedule an MRI.....before I can even think about treating you"

I'll let you know when the other shoe drops....

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