Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!
January Word of the Month:
1 : very interesting : able to capture and hold your attention
2: capable of causing someone to believe or agree
3: strong and forceful : causing you to feel that you must do something
The word COMPELLING has come up for me over and over again for the last few weeks. As we were driving down to visit the in-laws today ,the word once again came up for me. Hence, that is why I have chosen it as the first word of the month for 2018.
After searching Google for a definition, I now understand why this word has been haunting me.
The word drives me.
If my life, my story, my existence is not compelling then why do I exist?
Would you read a book if it was boring?
Would you go to see a movie if the reviews said it was mundane?
Would you follow a Guru who didn't have a message?
Would you be inspired by a sermon on broccoli?
Probably not.
Cold oatmeal is unappetizing.
Bland is tasteless.
The black and white television was one of the greatest inventions of the 20th Century.
And then came color!
It's a powerful word and a powerful way to view the start of the New Year.

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