On a daily basis, I find myself thinking about some one who I have not heard from or reached out to in a while.
I consider each one of these people a friend and certainly some one I would love to be in touch with regularly.
I always end up having this internal conversation where I ask myself if in fact these long absences are okay, even normal?
Up and down the NJ Turnpike,and Garden State Parkway, at just about every exit, there is some one I miss speaking to.
The same holds true for just about every state in the country and for many countries on every continent.
Childhood friends, High school friends,college friends, and friends from work.
People I have met over the years who I have remained friendly with.
People who I have not seen or heard from in eons yet still consider them friends.
I'm not referring to acquaintances who if I happened to bump into at the supermarket we would exchange the obligatory greetings and salutations and then get on with our lives.
I mean friends.
The kind that when we finally do connect leave me with that warm glow inside of me as if a piece of my soul was brought back to life.
People like yourself.
I may not think of the same person every day.
There may be long periods when a particular person seems to have faded from my internal vision. and then in a moment,bam! I see a mental image of them and my heart yearns to know how they are doing.
I usually don't react or respond to these encounters.
I do recognize that I am thinking of that person.
When the disconnect becomes unbearable or when I get a sense that it's time for me to reach out I will .
Until then, I assume that all is well and that the respite in our communication is just some time apart and that our paths will cross again some time soon.
I hope you know I am thinking of you!
Shavua Tov!
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