As these things seem to happen to me, I woke up this morning thinking that it's just about a year since I began driving the bus in the morning.
Of course that prompted me to do a little investigating. As I sat down to write,and having nothing in particular on my mind to share with you, I happened to check my files to see when my start date was. got it!
1 year ago today!
My ,what a difference a year makes!
When speaking of dealing with stress, my mentor Darren Hardy often reminds me to "get over yourself!"
The things which we stress and fret over today will be of no consequence a year from now.
Calm down.
Come up with a plan.
And get to it!
When I look back to one year ago today, I remember just how hopeless I was feeling about my life.
No money.
Behind in my bills.
Scared to death at the hopelessness that was in front of me.
There was no horizon to look towards.
There was only the abyss of despair.
Now it's a year later.
The bills have all gotten paid ,every month, on time.
Hopelessness has been replaced by the possibility of a better tomorrow.
Despair has been trumped by dedication.
My 10 hour a week bus driving job has grown to 2-3 times that amount.
I have found a community that appreciates having me as a part of it.
And dare I say it, every once and a while, I even see some light ahead of me which lets me know that there may in fact be a horizon out there.
In the mean time,I am grateful for every new day that dawns.
I am even more grateful to put my head on my pillow every night without the fear of what the next day will bring to me.
What a difference a year makes!
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