Sunday, September 8, 2019

Weird Week

"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens."
John Homer Miller
What a weird week.
Starting with last Sunday's trip to Chicago.
We were up at 4:30 in the morning,at the airport by 6 for an 8am flight. After landing we had some breakfast at the hotel waiting for our room to be ready.
Once it was, we showered and got dressed and then headed to the synagogue for the festivities which were starting at 5.
We were back in our room by just around midnight where we packed our bags, grabbed a few hours of shut eye before getting up at 5 to head back to the airport for the 8 am return trip.
This was my first week as a salaried employee yet somehow I managed to put in as many hours in 3 days as I had been working in 5.
(Like I said....weird week!)
Then there was the day trip to Maryland.
600 miles of driving to spend a few hours with my frat brothers.
At breakfast on Saturday, max commented " you know dad, Paramus to D.C. and back is not what most normal people consider a day trip".
More weird.
As if all of this was not strange enough in a week, late Saturday afternoon,actually early Saturday evening, I get a phone call from a long time friend and employee.
"Bossie.....we're in the City,(he lives in Amsterdam NY) and we need a place to stay tonight".
I offered up our family room couches where he, his significant other and the 4 kids crashed once they showed up at around 11 last night.
I got up at 6 , made them some coffee and... so that they could be out the door by 7 to finish their NYC excursion.
Perfectly normal right?
1600 miles of flying wrapped around a wedding in 24 hours.
A full work week in 3 days.
600 more miles traveled wrapped around a 5 hour "great to get together" session and then all of that topped off with 6 surprise sleepover house guests to conclude the week.
Like I said,weird week!
Shavua Tov!

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