Tuesday, September 3, 2019

I hate school

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”
Frederick Koenig
It's true.
I hate school.
Always have.
I'm a homebody.
Going to school was very stressful for me.
If homeschooling had been an option when I was a child I would have been all in.
Today, my relationship with school has not changed.
I still hate it.
I hate it for completely different reasons today than I did in the past. Driving a bus,
I can't begin to share with you just how much adding dozens of school busses and thousands of soccer moms,dads and nannies driving SUV's complicates my morning drive.
It is unbelievable.
For a while now, I have wondered how it is that I seem to be the only person questioning why we send our kids to school at the height of rush hour traffic?
Don't give me that "the parents have to get to work" nonsense.
What did they do all summer long?
Not work?
Camp started at 9.
Somehow their kids made it to camp.
They still made it to work.
Life went on.
No kid wants to get up at 6 or 6:30 to be shoved out the door first thing in the morning.
I wonder what the medical professionals would have to say about the benefits of letting kids start their school day at say 9 instead?
What if school went until 4?
9-4...what a novel concept.
I'm sure that as we get deeper into September, I will be more ammanable towards the added traffic.
However with today being the first day back for most schools, I am firmly committed to my hatred for school!
In the words uttered by my son from first grade all the way through high school....school is stupid!

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