Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Morning After

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
Henry David Thoreau
As I do at the start of every day, I checked my emails.
One email in particular put a smile on my face.
A friend commented on my writing from yesterday saying "someone is sounding a bit grumpy!'
It made me laugh.
It's true,I had been grumpy.
The sheer volume of traffic combined with the complete disregard that drivers had for others had left me in a sour mood.
Today will be better.
Not because there will be less traffic or because other drivers will be more considerate.
No, it will be better just because I had experienced it yesterday and the shock factor will have lessened
So, still smiling from having been called out,I set out knowing that it was all going to be fine.
That was until I made it about 3 miles down the highway.
Traffic was backed up as if someone had closed the GW Bridge.
It was 7 in the morning and I was at a dead stop, stuck about a mile from where I needed to get off.
Oh comes Mr. Grumpy pants again.
Well not really.
I found myself still smiling because of the email I had read earlier.
I made my way up to the exit and set out to continue having a great day.
That was until I had to start dealing with the passengers on my bus.
First stop texted me "running late.....wait in the parking lot and please don't blow your horn".
Second stop"oooh 5 minutes? can you make it more like 15?"
Uh NO!
Next stop...waiting.....waiting.....waiting....
Critical moment.
Do I want to continue smiling or buy more stock in Mr. Grumpy comes to North Jersey?
What do you think happened?

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