"Six essential qualities that are the key to success: Sincerity, personal integrity, humility, courtesy, wisdom, charity."
William Menninger
I kind of owe you an apology.
You're gracious enough to take a couple of minutes to read the stuff I write.
The least that you deserve is that I make sure that what I write reads properly.
Yesterday, while sitting and waiting to board our flight to Chicago, my email for the day popped up into my inbox.
I clicked on it and did something I rarely do.
I read what I had written!
Read,read read, TYPO!
Read,read read some more.
Read, read, read....
Another TYPO!
I have to tell you, I was disappointed in myself.
The typos were not the kind that would be picked up by spell check or grammar check.
They were all real words, just not the ones I wanted....look instead of looked,watch instead of watching,a missing t in the word to, not to mention missing punctuation marks like a well placed and much needed comma.
So here's my commitment to you for your commitment to me.
I will try and do better.
I will do my best to take the time to reread what I have written before I hit the send button.
Since my writing is pretty much of the stream of consciousness vane, I promise not to change what I write, just edit it for typos.
There, I'm glad I was able to address this.
Now it's time to go back and check what I have written!
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