Saturday, September 21, 2019

My Desk

"Be content with what you have, rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you."
Lao Tzu
One of the byproducts of the remodeling of our main living space was getting rid of a lot of "stuff".
This stuff ranged from furniture to accent pieces to junk mail and much more.
It also meant moving and rearranging the furniture.
Early in this process I decided to get rid of my desk.
It was one of those steel "L" shaped setups probably from the early 70's.
This almond , almost yellow, monstrosity was bulky and very unattractive.
It weighed a ton and took a number of us to get it out to the curb.
Eventually I replaced it with a much smaller Ikea type desk.
Sleek and narrow,it takes up a lot less space than the desk that was my headquarters for almost 20 years.
I will be amazed if this newer version lasts half that long.
For now, it serves my needs.
After putting it together,(I'm sure you've attempted building something like this), I set up my computer and organized my new workspace as best I could.
Like I said, it serves my needs however, I wasn't really comfortable with the set up.
There was something wrong with the feng shui.
Everything seemed just a little off. My printer sat squarely next to my monitor,on top of my blotter sized desk calendar, rendering said calendar useless.
I like my desk calendar!
I use it all the time.
I write on it constantly,everything from telephone email addresses, to appointments and notes to myself.
You can see how not having this available to me could cause much consternation.
I considered turning the desk around as an option.
It would have made my workspace seemed closed off ,so I quickly abandoned that option.
For days, I have been pondering what to do as I became obsessed with the desire to take control of this situation.
Then, in what seemed like a stroke of brilliance, I moved a file draw,clearing a spot for my printer and in an instant everything fell into place.
Life is good once again.
I just love when a plan comes together .
Don't you?
Shabbat Shalom!

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