Saturday, June 23, 2018

Rome wasn't built in a day!

Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less."
 Rick Warren 

It certainly does not feel like the 3rd day of Summer here in Northern New Jersey.
The skies are grey, the air is a chilly 63 degrees,and there is no sunshine.
It makes me wonder why I am spending the day working on the pool?
The answer is simple.
Like everything else in life, the weather will change soon enough.
Actually, without a hot sun beating down on me, this is the perfect kind of day to be doing this kind of work.
It's late in the season to be doing this. 
In the past, I can remember having the pool up and running by Memorial Day. 
Lately it seems that every year I get around to this later and later. 
Last year I started early enough to be open in late May,however,3 major liner repairs kept pushing that until probably just around late June.
With any kind of luck (and a lot of help from my family) I am fairly confident that we can be swim-able by mid week this week.
Certainly by July 1st.
Then there is the rest of the yard to contend with.
Although I did a pretty hefty Spring clean up in late April, things have fallen apart quite a bit.
Rain,rain and more rain, has prevented me from keeping up on yard work. That and a number of unexpected interruptions in my normal life routines have contributed to leaving yard-work unattended.
Quite honestly, the place looks like it has been neglected . 
While it's never too late to change that, I know longer have the strength, stamina,ability or fortitude to attempt to get this done in a day. 
(The younger me would have made a run at attempting to do just that.)
Instead, I will be content if I can get the pool done this week.
The grass will get cut, but beyond that the rest of the clean up will just have to wait until next week.
I can live with that.
Rome was not built in a day and neither will my stunningly beautiful yard.
It may take 2 or 3 (or more!)

Shabbat Shalom!

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