Sunday, June 24, 2018

" Be bold and mighty things will come to your aid."
- Basil King

I suppose I spoke to soon yesterday when I mentioned how unseasonably cool and overcast it was.
By the time I finished my morning bus run and got home to work on the pool, the Sun and subsequent heat became oppressive.
It was so hot that the dirt and debris that we were trying to sweep up were becoming baked onto the liner.
What should have been an hours worth of work became a project.
After a little elbow grease and a lot of ingenuity on my part, we are just about ready to start filling the pool.
Maybe I should back track a bit.
Two weeks ago, I had requested a very special gift from my family for Fathers Day.
All I wanted was everybody's help in cleaning the yard and opening the pool. 
With the small army that would have been here that day, we could have knocked out the whole thing in a couple of hours.
 My yard would have been cleaned, my pool would have been prepped and filled and on this weekend , the first of Summer, you would be able to find me lazing on a float.
Well that never happened.
The best of plans often never come to fruition. 
The Fathers Day that I was once so excited about very quickly became the Fathers Day I will want to forget and never ever have to relive.
So as I said, the pool should be up and running by mid-week.
Next weekend it will be on to the yard.
Once again, thanks to a stroke of genius by yours truly, I have an awesome plan for that as well.
There is so much to be done, that quite frankly, with my back and my schedule,it's way to daunting to tackle on my own. 
I can't call on the family to help. They all have work, commitments and stuff that would just make it impossible.
I considered hiring a couple of day laborers again. It's a huge expense,$300 and they basically have their own Union rules ....8 hour days ,which start the minute they get in your car and include breaks,lunch and the trip home.
$150 per diem and if you are lucky you get 4-5 hours of work. 
(America....what a country of opportunity!)
There is a neighborhood computer network called Nextdoor.
People reach out for tradesmen,social activities as well as selling stuff etc.
I decided to reach out and posted "I'm looking for a couple of teens who want to make some money helping with yard work, the way we did it when we were growing up."
Wouldn't you know a mom answered right back saying her 13 year old and his buddies were looking for something just like that.
A win for the home team!
Maybe the work ethic and values that I grew up with have not completely disappeared.
One can only hope!
Like I said earlier,America...what a country!
For me. I consider this my way of Making America Great Again!
Yard work!
Shavua Tov!

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