Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Critical Thinking

"I don't think you should just do what makes you happy. Do what makes you great. Do what's uncomfortable and scary and hard but pays off in the long run... Let yourself fail... And pick yourself up and fail again. Without that struggle, what is your success anyway?"
 ~ Charlie Day

Lately I find myself guilty of critical thinking.
I say guilty because my critical thinking isn't the good kind where I delve deep into some ideas or thoughts. 
The critical thinking I am engaged in is the other kind of critical. 
I am being critical of others.
Why did so and so do that?
Why did he not do this?
Why hasn't she taken care of whatever?
Why haven't they thought of "x"?
I don't think this is a good place for my thoughts to be.
It certainly is not generating any positive energy. 
Nor is it serving any purpose.
It's not helping me move forward and no matter what I think of any perceived miss cues by others, I have absolutely no control over them.
So why do I do it?
Often, these thoughts are formed around what I see as missed opportunities.
Given that I am always looking for a new opportunity, these gaffs or faux pas become magnified in my view.
In most cases, they have some effect on me, either directly or indirectly.
Still,not having the ability to change (read correct) them makes thinking about them a waste of my time.
Time that would serve me better by thinking about things I could be doing for myself.
It kind of feels like by thinking about what others are or are not doing, I am playing the blame game, no matter how much I try to deny that.
Criticizing others, even if that criticism is internal, is not a rewarding experience in any way shape or fashion.
I am in control of my own destiny, the captain of my ship.
If I want to find the winds of good fortune, I think it's high time to adjust my sails!

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