" ...a man big enough to be humble appears more confident than the insecure man who feels compelled to call attention to his accomplishments. A little modesty goes a long way."
~ David J Schwartz
Never bite off more than you can chew!
Or as a police officer once shared with me at 3 in the morning never carry more than you can smoke!
In either case, sage advice!
My plan to use local teens to help me around the yard has not come together just yet.
While they may be available later in the week next week, I can't abide just sitting around accomplishing nothing.
The temperature here has been steadily rising since the Sun came up this morning. That same said Sun is pretty brutal when you are out in it.
I have chosen to break down my chores into very bite sized pieces.
I began the day by stretching out the pool cover to dry.
Then I set about just picking stuff up.
I rolled the 2 long extension chords that were stretched out across my property and put them away.
The pillows from the lawn furniture which had gotten drenched in yesterday's down pour are spread about the yard drying.
The furniture on the deck has been moved away so that once the Sun comes around to that side of the house, the leaves and debris will dry and I can eventually sweep them up.
My grill is done!
Later I will roll it out front for pick up in the middle of the week next week.
The trash that has been accumulating around the patio on the side of the house has been tossed.
The sump pump has been put away, the hoses have been rolled and hung up and the pool floats have been inflated.
When Max gets home, I will have him give me a hand folding the pool cover .
When that's done, I will stow it away, close up that storage bin and my work day will be done.
Check that....I have a small leak in my filter that I will have him help me with as well.
Then my day will be done. I will turn the water on for about an hour to refill the pool to it's proper level and I will have had a very productive Day 1 of my reclaim my yard program.
It's not about getting to the end........it's all about momentum!
Shabbat Shalom!
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