Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Day 1826!

Daily Update Thursday June 13th 2013, Day 1!
Greetings...................Today is truly the first day of the rest of my life. I am embarking on a new adventure which begins with a change in my diet. I am excited and I am reaching out in hopes of enlisting support. I could have sent a blast email to a whole bunch of people and I am sure the response would have been overwhelming. However, as time goes by so goes the commitment. Commitment is described as doing something long after the feeling you had when you said it has left you. I have decided to add 1 person a day to my new adventure. Today I am inviting you to join my support team. Obviously I could not invite everyone first. Please do not give any weight to where you fell on my invitation list, it's just a randomly selected list of people I hold near and dear. 
Once you have accepted my invitation you will become part of my daily email list .All emails will be BCC so that no one will know who is on the list except me. If you choose to send me a supportive email on any given day that will be great! 
Imagine when I start getting dozens of emails a day! Wow! I will of course look forward to yours the most! My initial goal is to reach out to 100 people in 100 days.  
I look forward to your response! 
I would love to share this journey with you. 

This was the email that I first sent out 5 years ago today.I have had the opportunity over these last 5 years to re read this a number of times.Until today, I had completely missed what I actually wrote in that email.
"I am embarking on a new adventure...."
In my memory, and in countless retelling of the genesis of my Journey, I remember writing to a friend asking for his help as I tried once more to lose weight.
As you can see, that's not what I said.
Yes , losing weight was obviously a part of it (....which begins with a change in my diet).
But I opened my email with a statement that clearly states that a new adventure was beginning.
It has been the Journey of a lifetime.
And it continues.
I can't tell you how grateful I am to you for your support , friendship, compassion and understanding.
I feel blessed to have the privilege of your company along the way.
Thank you once again. 
I look forward to the next leg of my Journey,where ever that will take me and to being able to share it with you.

BTW....this part still holds true as well :
"If you choose to send me a supportive email on any given day that will be great! 
Imagine when I start getting dozens of emails a day! Wow! I will of course look forward to yours the most!"

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