Today is day 12 of 21 days without coffee.
And you ask how am I doing?
How do you think I'm doing!
Okay, just kidding. I'm doing just fine!
I can report that although I have proven that my indulgence in coffee is actually a habit and not a dependency,I have become acutely aware of just how intertwined coffee drinking is with my daily routine.
Over the last 12 days,I can't even begin to recount how many times I went to do something and realized that normally that activity would take place with a cup of coffee at hand.
Driving to South Jersey...need a travel cup of coffee.
Afternoon break ...cup of coffee.
Visit to the shop in the middle of the day...cup of coffee.
Waitress asks can I get you something to drink....I respond coffee.
Conference call...cup of coffee.
Return from morning bus run...yep , coffee!
I can hardly think of a daily activity that does not get rewarded or accompanied by a cup of coffee.
It's pretty amazing.
This is my third week with my new Friday schedule.
Thankfully the temperatures cooled enough yesterday for me to get the lawn mowed. I also finished cleaning out the pool.
This cleared my schedule enough or me to accommodate my revised calendar for the day.
I still have plenty to do including work as well as readying for Shabbat. However the pressure seems to be off.
I drove, I shopped, I shopped some more and then after unpacking and checking my emails had some lunch.
Then I went to work on the Halloween stuff that needed my attention. After all of that was cleaned up, I spent some time preparing as much as I could for tonight's dinner before once again attending to business matters.
I was just about to kick back and take a break when I realized I had not written to you today.
It's almost 4:30 and dinner is ready to be heated up.
The dogs still have to be fed.
I have 1 must email to get out and I am waiting on an important phone call.
Still, there's no pressure.
Well maybe a little anxiousness surrounding the phone call I am expecting but hey, that's part of doing business.
The pool is filling which means tomorrow morning will be spent hooking up the filter.
That will be my morning as the afternoon has me bathing dogs at the shop once again.
I have to admit I enjoy all of this.
What's not to enjoy?
As the t-shirt says:
Life is good!
Shabbat Shalom!
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