Sunday, June 4, 2017

So I am finished with my latest 40 day cycle. Now it's 2 days of what we call transition and then 3 weeks of reset.A simple explanation of reset is a specific period of time when your body adjusts to your new metabolism.
During these 3 weeks the goal is to maintain your set weight, with no more than a 2 pound variable.
Sounds easy right?
Trust me, I find this to be the hardest part of the program.
I can gain 2 pounds by breathing!
Food choices are significantly increased during these 3 weeks. 
So is my caloric intake.
As I tell my clients, this is more critical than the 40 day cycle.
2 or 3 wayward days in a row can upset the proverbial apple cart and before you know it, you are spinning out of control heading back to where you just came from.
I am actually looking forward to June 26th when I can jump back in to weight loss.
I liken the entire process to riding a bicycle.
The 40 days cycle is like being on a tricycle.
The wheels are fixed and stable and you have to be completely out of control to fall off.
These next 3 weeks, the reset phase  is like getting your bicycle with its training wheels on. They don't quite touch the ground and things are a lot less secure.
You can't do what the big kids who are riding real bikes without those training wheels do, however you can kind of blend in and keep up.
If you get too reckless, you will fall.
And falling does have its consequences, mainly bumps and bruises, rarely catastrophes.
Unless of course you put yourself in harms way.
Training wheels are there for a reason. They serve a purpose. They allow you to experience the freedoms that come with riding a bicycle, while learning the rules of the road and how to handle this new vehicle.
There's a lot to learn before shedding those extra wheels and attempting to riding completely solo.

The Journey continues.
Shavua Tov!

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