Thursday, June 22, 2017

One of the challenges that arose the other day when I was having my "hole in the sock" day was my bus breaking down. As I set out on my run,I noticed that none of my gauges were working. Neither was my radio. I knew this was an electrical issue, possibly a fuse. I also feared and eventually confirmed that this electrical problem effected my wheel chair lift.
On top of my buses issues, the other drivers bus had lost his side view mirror and it was out of commission as well.
This caused a great deal of commotion and rearranging of schedules until we could get these vehicles repaired and back on the road.
I did my run yesterday using a smaller van. 
It is much newer and rides more like a luxury car than the bus which rides a bit like an army tank.
However, for the patrons on my route, getting in and out of this vehicle is challenging at best. 
Being smaller, I also had to split my run in to 2 parts. There just would not be enough seating to accommodate every one.
This of course created the A group who I picked up first and then the B group that were on the second run.
You try telling seniors that they are not on the A list!
It gets ugly!
They like the routine they are accustomed to. 
So do I.
Yes the ride of the newer smaller van is far more comfortable than my bus.
But every one on my route is accustomed to the bus. 
Familiarity is comfortable.
Not to mention that we had no way to accommodate our wheel chair patrons.
Today my bus was back on the road.
As I drove along, teeth rattling in my head with every bump and pot hole in the road,things seem normal once again. 
Every body was back on the A list.
Claire got so sit with Elaine!
The music was playing and the seniors were swaying.
Kind of like slipping on a pair of old slippers,comfortable.
It was a good day.

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