Friday, June 30, 2017

So here we are ,Friday June 30th. 
It's not just another How am I doin' Friday.Today is the last day of the first half of 2017.
I thought about this a lot as I went about the early part of my daily routine.
I thought back to the end of 2016 and the beginning of this year and the 5 BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) that I wanted to work on in 2017.
I am taking the opportunity to stop for a second, take a deep breath and see what has transpired before I look forward towards the second half of the year.
In the beginning of  Bereshis, Genesis, the first book of the Bible, ( yes it does start with In the beginning!) we read about creation.
For each of the first 7 days, The Lord set about creating. 
He created the Earth, the sky, the oceans and all manners of living things. 
Eventually he got around to creating Man. 
Man who he created in his own image.
I believe if He created us in his own image, He wanted us to be creators as well.
At the end of each day of creation, The Lord looked and saw what he created and he deemed his creation good.
As I look back to see what I have accomplished (read created) so far this year, I too can say I see what I have created and it is good.
I am the creator of my life.
It is a wonderful life.
Now, if in fact I follow this same line of reasoning, here on this How Am I Doin' Friday I am merely at a resting point before continuing my work. After all on the 7th day, He created the Sabbath, a place and time to rest.
 No where does it say he was done!
On the contrary, the work of creation is an on going process that will continue for as long as there is life.
As awesome as what has transpired in the first half of 2017 is, I must remind myself that there is more to accomplish, explore , learn and create.

Before I head off to do that, I must share something with you. 
What I wrote today came about as I drive my bus for 3 hours. 
I had not yet read my quote of the day.
 I had not yet listened to my Minute with Maxwell.
 I had not had my session with my mentor Darren Hardy.
If you have a minute, I would offer up that you might click on the links I provide or scroll to the top and re read today's QotD.
It's all so karmecally connected!

Shabbat Shalom!

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