Tuesday, June 20, 2017

I am having a "Hole in your sock" kind of day so far today. 
What's a hole in your sock day?
Let me paint a picture for you.
As you start getting dressed in the morning, you pick out a pair of socks and as you put them on you notice a hole in the toe.
It's annoying but not a big deal. You get up to toss them away and grab another pair and you stub your toe on the foot of the bed.
You rifle through your draw for another pair of brown socks and find all sorts of colors except brown.
So you decide to change the outfit you were wearing to one that might actually coordinate with the socks you have available.
As you get dressed,you start to put on your tie.
It's too short.
So you tie it again.
Still to short. So one more try....it's to long!
Finally you get it just right and head into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. It smells great and maybe a little break with a nice cup of Joe will calm things down. So you sit down with your cup of coffee and grab the newspaper and that's when your dog who misses you so much decides to jump up on your lap spilling the contents of your mug all over your outfit.
So you head back to your closet. pick out a whole new ensemble and change once more.
Finally you can start the day. You finish tying your tie, turn down the collar on your shirt and as you go to button that last button at your neck it falls off in 2 pieces in your hand.
That's a hole in your sock morning!
To say that I am a little on edge, a little frustrated and a little distracted would be a gross understatement.
While none of these things actually happened to me today, I can assure you that what has transpired makes these events pale in comparison.
So what do I do about that?
I just push on.
Take yet another deep breath and move forward.
Then take another deep breath, and another and another.
Eventually like an airline pilot climbing to find a clearing in the clouds, there will be daylight. 
If not, then we make due with the instrument panel in front of us and land this baby safely.
This ain't the first time I have had days like this and probably not the last time either.
So I just keep on keepin' on.
And make a note to buy some new socks!

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