Monday, January 23, 2017

You learn something new every day!

Here's what I learned today.I have feelings and they can be hurt.Really,it's true!
Understanding this opens the path for me to find the space that I need to acknowledge that my feelings have been hurt,deal with the discomfort and then move on.Burying the feelings is tantamount to creating a festering wound. It will never heal.Dealing with it in the moment creates the opportunity for me to address it,express my concerns and then be done with it.
As my mentor Darren Hardy so eloquently shared in his message this morning,the past is an excellent teacher but a terrible master. Learn from these events and move on. Do not dwell on them.
He talked about emptying the back pack. You know the one that is strapped to our backs in which we carry all of those crappy feelings and garbage from the past. 
Empty it!
Let it go!
Cast off that excess baggage!
It only serves to slow us down!
My decision to work on goal #4 , putting me first, does not have to have negative connotations to it.It does not mean that I will stop being the kind considerate caring individual I know I am. It only means that when I have choices to make I must consider myself first and foremost.
I must become better at recognizing my priorities. 
I must weigh the costs to my own well being.
Like any good business transaction, I must consider the costs to determine the return on my investment.
After my email yesterday I heard from a number of people.
I appreciate the positive feedback.
I am using it to bolster my commitment to my efforts.
It's a month since I launched Live 2 XL's 2017 goals challenge. 
I'm getting closer to completing my list of my top 5 goals.
It has been quite a challenge!

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