Sunday, January 8, 2017

It's 6:18 on Sunday evening. 

We have already made our weekly pilgrimage to South Jersey,and dinner is now in the oven. I Had considered taking the day off from writing. It's late, I'm tired and quite frankly a bit distracted.
Over the last hour or so, I found myself swallowing a lot of stuff. I don't mean eating I mean emotionally. I decided to sit down and use this time to put the brakes on. Maybe by writing, by reaching out, I can create some a mental time out and catch my breath and my balance.
I have 2 days of final preparations starting tomorrow before I leave for 8 days.All sorts of pressures are mounting and to be honest I have no resources with which to alleviate the bulk of them.My self talk is "just let go!".
If these are in fact circumstances that I can not change or have an effect on, then all I can do is let go.
And move on.
7:00 pm
Dinner is over. Not much calmer than I was before we sat down to eat. I keep thinking back to the goals I have set up for myself and that is helping.
 Handle the things that I can handle.
Be 1% better today than I was yesterday.
And reach out to the people in my life.
So now I have 2 choices before me. 
I can shut down for the rest of the evening and look for a fresh start in the morning.
Or the more prudent choice ,take a few minutes to gather myself and clear my thoughts,have a cup of tea or coffee and then carefully construct a list of the things that absolutely must be handled between now and Tuesday evening.
I think you know me well enough by now to know exactly what I'm going to do.
Shavua Tov!

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