Saturday, January 7, 2017

Goal #3

It has been almost 2 weeks since I handed out the first 2 dozen  Live 2 XL 2017 Goals Challenge cards. To date I have received exactly zero back.The good news is that by participating in this challenge myself, I have come to realize just how difficult the task of writing down 5 important achievable goals really is.
In review, after meeting with my editor. I was able to come up with goal #1....whittle down my book. 
Goal #2 came to me after a nudge from my mentor Darren Hardy and after a bit of self 1% better today than I was yesterday.Build incrementally on what I have accomplished already. I quote my self "Incremental is monumental!"
After goals 1 and 2, it seemed as if I were stuck once again. 
What else should make my list of top 5 goals for 2017?
What is both important and achievable to me?
As I was cleaning up a slew of old and unanswered emails from friends over the past week or so,I stumbled over goal #3.
Stay connected to those who mean the most to me.
This is as important as any oath I could possibly swear myself to. 
So many people in my life. So many friends. So many loved ones.
For every one that I communicate with, 3 more names pop into my head.
Reaching out to as many as possible as often as possible is my next goal for the year. The magnitude of this particular goal is overwhelming. It has no limits. It has no end.
There will always be some one else to reach out to. There will always be another email to send, text to get out, phone call to be made, letter to be written or visit to be planned.If I remember to combine goal #2 with goal #3, make 1 more connection today than I did yesterday, I will have fulfilled my quest for this goal as well.
I can always be better today than I was yesterday and there will always be one more person I can reach out to tomorrow who I may have overlooked or not gotten around to today.
The task of writing down 5 goals for the year is much harder than I originally imagined. Now that I am participating in this challenge, I am both intrigued and excited by what the other goals may possibly be.
Maybe others are finding it equally as difficult as I am.
So I guess I'll continue ti check my mail box daily. 
Shabbat Shalom!

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