It's a new day!
I like writing early in the morning before life gets in the way of my thoughts.I have taken a new part time job so my new morning schedule has me heading to the gym at 6 a.m. ,then to my job and only then can I get started with what was my normal day,sometime around 10:30.
There are many changes underway in my life. Exciting as they may be, I still find myself being cautious of not getting my spirits too high.I am dealing with life 1 day at a time, one step at a time.
In the mix are those gremlins that sneak up and want to contaminate my mood.
You know, the ones that remind me that I have gained some weight. The ones that want to remind me that I stopped working out. And the ones that remind me that finances are still ,well lets call them precarious!
There were times today that the gremlins were starting to take control. There were moments this morning where I found myself questioning my decisions and the validity of my plans. It started to get me down on myself.That was until my daughter Becca posted this picture on Facebook:

It served as more than just a gentle reminder of just how far I have come, what I have accomplished and what I know I can accomplish moving forward. As long as I stay committed.
The picture on the top was 4 years ago today.
(Yeah , I was a beast).
The bottom picture was a year later.
Down over 80 pounds.
(Slimmer but no where near done!)
Now I am 80 pounds below the bottom picture.
Not nearly at the weight I want, however consciously and actively working at getting there.
I can accomplish any thing!
It just takes commitment. One day at a time. One step at a time. One pound at a time. One workout at a time.
One dollar at a time.
I will have to figure out my new writing schedule.Hey maybe it will become a daily recap?
Who knows.
I can promise you this....I will figure it out!
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