This holiday season is coming to a close......
After a month,the Holiday Season is coming to an end. Rosh Hashana was 24 days ago.Daily life has been compressed in to the spaces between the yom tovim (holidays). 3 days of Rosh Hashana,2 days of Yome Kippur,3 days for the start of Sukkot and 3 days at the end culminating today on Simchat Torah.11 of the last 24 days were either the day or the eve of a holiday. Add in 3 Shabbatot and our open house day in our Sukkah, you can well imagine how disruptive the holiday season can be. And all of this happening while the non- Jewish world has been gearing up for Autumn, Halloween and eventually the 4th quarter holiday season.It is challenging keeping both eyes on the road ahead and at the same time paying complete attention to the season we are now finishing up.
In all, it has been a fantastic holiday season.Time with family is always a blessing. Time set aside for reflection is also a big plus.
I think for me, the biggest gift has been involving myself in the entire experience. The holidays don't just happen.Well they do just show up,however,unless I actively choose to participate in them, they have little or no meaning. The same is true for the secular part of my life. When I actively engage myself in life my life experience is much more gratifying (as well as meaningful). Choosing to lead my life rather than having a life that leads me makes all the difference.
Last night, I attended our Simchat Torah celebration. Turn out was light. The majority of faces that I had become accustomed to seeing over the years were not there. Nor will they be there this morning as we conclude the holiday. Those who are the movers and shapers of our community expressed their concerns over the underwhelming rate of participation. The inevitable questions once again popped up "what are we missing?" "what can we do to get people to come out?" "How do we draw people in?".
I am left with only one answer.
You don't!
We choose what is important to us.
When I watch television.I am bombarded by advertisements telling me what is missing from my life. I see cars that will make me sexier. I get offers a a better life if I choose this or that product. I can't possibly ever find happiness because Susan and I never soak in bathtubs over looking a valley as the Sun sets.
The people who create these ads are the best in the business. They have all of te data and research on how to make me buy their particular brand. Their brand which will absolutely 100% guarantee me a more fulfilling life.
And still I don't buy it.
So how do I as a committed member of my community get others to buy what we we are selling?
I can't!
It's all about the choices we make for ourselves and what we deem important.
I can preach and beg and beseech until I'm blue in the face. It will change nothing.I make the choices I make from me. As Coach Parcell's used to say,we can only play with the players we have on the field and against the players that show up to play against.
I remain committed to the choices I have made for myself. My food choices, my life style,my beliefs and my practices.
It's that commitment that makes me stronger,that keeps me strong and that will serve me well as I continue on my Journey.
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