So you want to write a book.....
I spent some time editing my first draft of this book that I am working on. My plan is for it to be a chronicle of the first 1000 days of my 100 day Journey. I know that sounds a bit confusing. If you remember, when I set out on this path, my hopes were to get through 100 days.I never expected to be where I am or too have traveled the road I have come down.I have managed to knock down the original 600,000 words to well under 300,000. That's the good news. The challenge is my editor and I agree that we probably want to end up under 150,000 words. As you can see, I have a lot of editing and cutting to do still.
I have made it through approximately the first 50 days so far in this my first round of cuts.Once again, I am finding it hard to understand how this will flesh out into a book. I trust those "in the know" who keep telling me it's in there.I am also finding it fascinating that even as early as the first 50 days, the essence of my daily ramblings has very little to do with my original premise of trying to lose weight.
Almost immediately, the familiar themes that have come up for me made their first appearances.
Choice, change, commitment,courage and my desire to be significant all are addressed in these early writings.
Editing will take me a very long time. Do not expect to see this on the NY Times best sellers list any time soon. Oprah will have to reschedule our interview for a much later date as this work is no wheres near ready to be on her book of the month list yet.
I'm okay with that. If I am having a hard time cutting stuff from these early days, I can only imagine how tough it will become later on. My early entries are rough and rudimentary compared to some of the stuff I remember writing as my Journey continued.
And I still don't see how this is a book, or for that matter why any one will want to read it.I have 2 or 3 other works rambling around in my head,works that in my own mind have much more merit and appeal as possibly resembling a book that people might want to pick up.
All in good time I suppose. For now,this exercise of editing is a valuable tool for me to become proficient at. Digging out a literary work from this is my challenge. One that I am committed to seeing through.
Life continues to swirl around me. The demands of every day normal activities consume most of my productive time and resources.
My challenge to myself is to become a writer. And to become that writer, I must learn the disciplines of being a writer.
A little over a year ago, I attended a workshop on mindful writing. I listened as others in attendance spoke about writer's block and obstacles that keep them from writing on a regular basis.
As some one who was writing daily, I could not fathom what they were talking about.
Obviously there is more to this craft than merely putting words on a piece of paper. I am just starting to experience the enormity and the intricacies of what a project like this will encompass.
I underestimated the magnitude of this project.
I am committed to seeing it through.
Shabbat Shalom!
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